Subnautica - SCUBA, Unknown Worlds, drowning

Presumably if you find the tower on your own early enough, before you’re infected? It really couldn’t have been any more cinematic for me, because I messed around for a while after getting the timer before going to the rendezvous spot, because 40 minutes was a lot of time, then when I got there I found the tower from below, and followed it up and around, then basically as soon as I got up on land I immediately understood what had happened and what was going to happen, and I ran down to the control room, got the message that I couldn’t turn the beam off, then got back up top just in time to watch the transformation and fireworks. Amazing. I’m kind of curious, though. How do you end up being stranded if the Sunbeam doesn’t get destroyed?

If you ignore the radio until you’ve disabled the beam, none of the related plot developments trigger*. So then when you get to the Sunbeam, they instead find the Aurora left a dense debris field around the planet that they can’t fly through. They promise to let Alterra know about you.

It’s possible to disable the gun after the Sunbeam timer starts. Which leads to hilarious bug: the disabled gun destroys the Sunbeam.

Oh, I see. That way is much less dramatic. Also semi-ridiculous, not that I’m going to start critiquing the science of this game too closely.

I didn’t see if posted recently (if at all) but someone has been working on a multiplayer mod. Now you can be terrified of leviathan reapers together or even drown together. All this togetherness is wonderful isn’t it?

Mod Page:


I started playing this game non-stop a few days ago. Literally non-stop. Already well over 30 hours.

I went an embarrassingly long time without building a base I kinda feel really dumb about it. The lifeboat/pod was my defacto base up to the Sunbeam rescue wagon getting shot down by an alien tower gun battery.

I think now I am nearing the end-game. I spent a lot of time crafting and built all the things. Storywise I’ve found the Alien Research Facility and the infection is progressing turning my skin green. That’s it. The radio has gone dark except for a couple cryptic alien messages.

My next idea is to build a second base deeper down in the Lost River area using the Cyclops to haul in all the crafting materials. It will be a much easier starting point as I explore deeper.

That’s a standard step for most folks. The Giant Cove Tree area is very popular. Tons of thermal power and conveniently located to the Lava biomes..

Aside: I’m struck by how hard folks on the 'net in general go to avoid openly posting spoilers for this game that a new player might come across.

Maybe because the wonder of discovery is very important in this game.

Exactly, I wish I could forget it all and go back to play it again.

I appreciate the spoiler tags! Only have about 17 or 18 hours in, so you’ve probably come across plenty I haven’t, although I do have the Cyclops and a small, self-sufficient base.

Yes. And no. You have at least a little bit to go, and it can be a bit of a grind, resource wise.

When you get brave, dumb or determined enough:

Go down into the lava zone. If you go down either side of it, they end in a huge roughly circular chamber, with a mountain (and a place you should go first) along with a pit (and a place you should go afterward on another trip.) Prepare whatever you need to explore that chamber. It will get you through both the mountain part, and the pit part. Even after that, there is much to do.

Good luck!

I won’t be clicking on that spoiler wall-o-text.

Here is my base I built on the edge of the shallows near a kelp forest. It worked out pretty well if I may say so myself.

Outside. Shallows side:

Outside. Kelp side:

Entry room. Storage and crafting hall:

Garden room:

Bed room:

Classy base. You don’t need the spoiler, you already know where you need to go. Most of my spoiler was trying to tell you, there is a bit left to the game. It can be a grind for some of it.

I think the only equipment I haven’t found yet is the stasis rifle. Only found 1 piece…thing is elusive. For upgrades I think I have nearly everything…except anything that requires that blue kyptonite (for maximum depth Prawn and Cyclops upgrades) or whatever its called. Haven’t discovered it yet.

Kyanite. You’ll find plenty. You’ll need those upgrades. Prepare yourself.

And speaking of those things, I like how the game pushes you through resource and crafting. You know something is missing, and when you find it, that’s an extra reward in itself.

Wild, I think I’ve found like 4 stasis rifle bits here and there.

Does the game have procedural generation, or is it all fixed so that it is the same every game?

Fixed, as far as I know.

I think the parts must be randomized. They have to be.

It is the only explanation for why I found far too many laser cutter parts behind doors that needed to be laser cut!

Ah, that could be. The map is fixed for sure, right? But the parts strewn about, I guess that could be randomized. In fact, maybe there’s some info on it, hang on.

Apparently, non-plot resources, maybe item parts and the life pod starting location are all at least semi-random.