Subnautica - SCUBA, Unknown Worlds, drowning

I started playing pretty early in the last early access and knew it looked like it was going to be good enough to wait things out a bit. And I STILL didn’t make it long before jumping back in. It was apparent that the game was going to end up well done and well polished by watching their completely open design process on their Trello.

These are quite spoiler-y if you haven’t finished Subnautica (Trello) or don’t want to know anything about Below Zero (Favro.)

Here is their main page:

But it looks like they changed over to Favro platform for this dev process.

EDIT: Also being completely honest on my very opinionated view of early access titles, this should be a requirement. Open look at where things are within the plan, throughout the process.

Sounds like about where I built. Unfortunately it was on the wrong side of the Shallows (east) from the route I used to get to most of the late-game areas (I liked going through the Blood Kelp trench). I almost want to go back into that save and move the base - even though I launched my rocket right after saving.


I built my base down deep in the “tree room” (without giving too much away) where everyone ends up building something it seems. It’s just so convenient and lovely down there! I too played this game throughout its development. I dealt with the popping graphics, the unfinished zones, and the strangeness and… it didn’t matter. You could tell right away this was an interesting and entertaining experience from the get go. I am all in for SN2:the freezening. Is this going to be a stand alone game though, or a DLC?

A fair cop. But I found it easier to dodge… things… going that way than the other routes into that area.

That would be a serious bummer. I can’t play subnautica without it…

So, I picked up Sub Zero today. I haven’t got far enough into it to tell you much except that it is more story driven at the start for sure. Also, playing on a day where it is -50 outside REALLY adds to the immersion…

So, After playing for a bit here is what I can tell other folks looking to jump into EA on this one:

  • It is very Subnautica. If you liked the first game, you will like this one.
  • The setting is far from complete, and you are really just introduced to a couple of biomes at this point, and only an hour or so of story line is in the game.
  • It is pretty and the biomes don’t seem to be a rehash of what we have seen already, even though the art assets tie very well with the original game. It feels like the same planet but not the same location.
  • There are some nice QOL changes that you will notice right away. The first two recipes and using the scanner are much easier to new players, and the first two items you can learn to make are also a nice intro to the system.
  • The story line at the start holds you by the hand a bit, and there is interaction between you and other travelers. You are not alone this time.
  • There is a hint about a thermal system, but I didn’t see it in game anywhere.
  • The text says the world is only 2k x 2k big, but seems to be pretty vertical, and more tightly packed then the original.

So, my guess is you can probably go ahead and wait a bit on this, at least a patch or two, because it is not anywhere near content complete. However it actually is starting EA in a much better place then the original did.

So excited that at some point, there is going to be more of this game. One of my favorite games of all time.


I plan on actually waiting for the release this time because I loved the first one so much. I want to go in fresh this time.

I hope to have the willpower to do the same.

I just found out that Sub Zero exists, what is it? I get that its standalone, but is it kind of an expansion or more like a sequel?

I’ve not jumped in yet, but it is by the look of it a sequel. The original game has no tie-in (that I know of yet,) nor requirement.

It is a sequel, but with a stand alone story

From what I read it’s related as in it happens on the same planet within a continuity with the original, but not directly related. It takes place on some other part of the world and likely at a different point in time.

All correct. It is one year later I believe. Same planet, and the zones have the “feel” of the same planet but look very different. If you care about the story though, don’t buy yet. It is not at all complete =)

Before you praise the deity, note there is no VR planned. I bought it anyway because Subnautica was one of my favorite games last year - but a lot of that was the feeling of being there in VR which I found AMAZING.

So while I bought Below Zero on EA and won’t play it until release I am more than a little bummed there will be no VR support… That said, I want to support these guys as they made a great game.

We need to start a letter writing campaign or something to get Oculus people to help fund and deliver a VR version with touch controls. While Lone Echo was cool, I feel a Subnautica game properly done for VR could be far more of a killer app that drives headset sales.

22 hours in Alistair discovered the Beacon Manager.