Subnautica - SCUBA, Unknown Worlds, drowning

In the original game you need to build a Cyclops (even if you don’t intend or want to actually use it) to use the on board facilities to make a module you need to escape the planet. So I wouldn’t necessarily hold out hope on this one.

Oh boy. My least favorite thing about Ark: Survival Evolved!

Another update for Below Zero: SNOWFOX

Another update for Below Zero: Spy Pengling

Just got to this, base game, on my backlog and finished it. Sooooo good.

Do I try second runs? RNG really is a thing, and exploring, I finished w/o my cyclops having the energy from heat widget. But IMHO, it was more fun parkouring about the nether regions in the Prawn once I had the courage to abandon the clops. Or with Oxygen Not Included about to release to I keep poking at that (bought during EA and grabbed the release bug finding beta this weekend too)?

A problem decision, but such a nice problem to have.

Snowfox?? That gives me serious flashbacks to my C64 gaming days …


I thought that tank looked a little Winchell Chung-ish, but it turns out it was John Mattos, who also did this:

OMG I LOVED that game on the Commodore

Here’s a talk about the origins of Subnautica and the design of original games. Charlie is a good guy.

Thanks for sharing! The “Minutes of Fun” concept he discusses around the 19 minute mark is interesting.

He seems like it. Thanks, it explains a lot of why things were the way they were (both to my delight and otherwise) in the game. And that oxygen thing was a bug!

Below Zero update:

Should I get this? Since I’m enjoying No Man’s Sky?

Oh yes.
If You like NMS, You’ll love Subnautica.

I hated NMS and loved Subnautica. So maybe they aren’t particularly related :P

Ok, I guess they’re not both survival crafting games.
I like both, but like Subnautica better.
I think they’re pretty much in the same genre, not sure why You would say that.

ok, edit:
That was a bit hostile, but i don’t think liking one or the other should be exclusive

Subnautica is very special. It’s a rare game that is deliberately designed for the player to not solve its problems with various forms of violence.

Superficially are in the game genre yes. But the fact someone can love A and hate B, means that it’s also possible someone can hate A and love B, therefore it’s hard to say that liking one means you will like the other.

I don’t hate either. They’re both great games, but I personally prefer NMS. Go figure.

Subnautica is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Worth it for the water physics alone.

My god yes. It was held as GOTY by quite a few of us when it finally hit full release. It’s an experience that I wish I could play again for the first time. It’s similar to other survival and builders but with a story that really drives things and a setting that borders on horror at times. Breathtaking scenery too. DO IT!