Subnautica - SCUBA, Unknown Worlds, drowning

Well, sold again!! Haven’t even heard of this game til @Matt_W mentioned it in the NMS thread and I looked it up.

Exactly HOW scary is this game? I’m not good with horror.

It’s not that scary. Most fear is natural “what is that!?” fear. There is no dynamic pacing or deliberate tension generation you get in genuine horror games.

Not scary in the traditional sense, unless you are afraid of really dark depths with really big things you can’t see.

Seriously? I am terrified of going the deep places. And the dark places.

If you suffer from thalassophobia, this game has a high probability of being, at the least, very anxiety inducing.

Okay I think I can handle that. =)

It works at you slowly. Scary until you know what’s there, then only really scary in a, “jump scare,” sense. But there are a lot of really dark underwater areas. It can be creepy rolling up on something in low visibility.

But it’s a game about exploration. Our fear of the unknown is what drives that part of the brain and this game is all about crossing that boundary back and forth. It’s unknown, but then you know it and learn to handle it, repeat.

Same here!! I played it twice and the second time was fun, but that first time was truly an experience.

@kristina I recommend playing this game in the dark and with headphones on. :)

Yes! Definitely.

Yeah it’s absolutely terrifying.

Hah! It gets easier. Hang in there. You learn to deal with what’s known until the next unknown.

I’m stuck at a sand dune outside the Aurora because A GIANT SEA MONSTER that of course is called “Reaper” (cause everything terrifying is called Reaper) is circling round me and I’m too afraid to swim back to my life pod (I don’t have any sea vessels yet). So… I’ll try to take a deep breath (lol) and dive (lol again) back in tonight. But I don’t like how they add a new scary creature each time you unlock a blueprint or whatever

Dunno if I’d call this a spoiler, but: yeah, every new area adds new thing(s) that want to have you for dinner. You learn to dodge or otherwise avoid them. I think I’d probably have enjoyed the game just as much without most them being around.

On the other hand, it looks like there’s a mod for that! This one can be used to make you invisible to the natives:

Seems there’s quite a few nifty mods. I may give in at some point and build some more bases. Oh, yeah, and try to escape the planet I’m trapped on.

Same here. But I’m playing on PS4 so no mods. Althouuughhh - I might just go and switch to creative mode and stop worrying about being eaten. Yes. I might try that. Also I won’t have to chase those goddamn bladderfishes around any more either.

Stick with your game. That one reaper sticks to a specific side of the aurora. Essentially, if you’re in “dirty” looking brownish water, go back to the clear water. Or more clearly, stay on the side of the Aurora closest to your starting pod. that reaper is named Sammy, by the way. He’s the first big bad scary thing new players have an encounter with.

You’ll run into another at a future point and that one too has a patrol zone and is easily avoided. There are only a few spots where you must willingly go into an area with bad things, and by that point you pick up a few tips to get through it (or technology that helps.)

I always play in freedom mode, which is the same except not having to eat or drink. There are a few bad guys around, but as you get familiar with the game, it’s very easy to avoid them. They are in pretty specific areas. The tension that’s created by knowing that you might get chomped on adds a lot to the feeling of the game though I think.

Don’t fear the Reaper

I’m getting back into this again, this time on my PS4 Pro. I played quite a bit on the PC but never actually finished the game because, heh, it was scary.

I’m at a point now where I have quite a few things built (base with Moonpool, vanilla Seamoth, vanilla Cyclops, most of the essential tools and equipment) but for some reason I can’t find power cell charger fragments. I’ve visited nearly all of the signal coordinates I’ve received so far, minus one fairly deep lifeboat and the proposed Delgassi second base. Also been to the floating island and mountain. Haven’t explored the Aurora yet, although I’ve gone close. Anywhere else I should search? Been trying to stick to the path that the game is giving me without just exploring randomly, but I suppose it may be time to leave that path. Should I build a remote outpost with a scanner and have it search for wrecks?

As for modes, I’m playing on Survival and occasionally turn food/water attrition off, which works well for me.

I’m on my 4th playthrough, have about everything built, base way down deep, and my cyclops is parked because I haven’t found the 2nd schematic for the power cell charger lol. I can’t for the life of me remember where that thing is, guess I’ll have to google it as well.

This too me ages as well. But basically, yes. Wrecks. Almost all tech blueprints come from wrecks. Search all the wrecks.