Subnautica - SCUBA, Unknown Worlds, drowning

Most are QoL changes like the aforementioned craft/fabricate from local storage, which at this point I would never play without. I spent too much time shuffling materials from storage to inventory to last a life time on my first playthrough. It’s tedious busy work I don’t got time for anymore. There isn’t a lot of huge gameplay mods. The crush depth one is one of the only ones I’ve found.

Another mod I kinda like is being able to recycle some wreck debris into materials. It is minor but kinda cool. Like all those small storage crates everywhere. Also expanding the quick slots to 12 is handy. You don’t have to shuffle your tools between quick slots anymore.

Most the mods I’ve downloaded I haven’t even been able to see yet though. Some new fab items like a deep sea drill and a bunch of new Cyclops upgrades (like a Nuclear reactor).

Sounds good. The mods I tried waaaay back when were very early in the process and prone to issues. I’m guessing now that the game has been stable for a while they are much better.

Lol this sounds like my first experience with the Prawn suit down there, only without hardcore mode. Was hellish enough.

Sorry about not marking stuff with spoilers earlier, but I didn’t really think anyone would care at this point=)

I’m just marking it out of habit. We do have some people still playing through but I think those folks are few and far between these days.

I was able to get a whole bunch of things done late yesterday. I restocked, went and got my prawn and brought it to my topside base, pre-made a lot of the things needed for the river base, made a full set of charged power cell spares and stocked up on food/water and extra things just in case. Tonight I’ll make the return trip down. I’m still a little wary due to where the clops is at. I’m just hoping I can free it and get it moved. Even if not, things will be more difficult, but still workable.

Good luck!! =)
I’ve kind of put of playing more since I built my base down at the river tree, since I know I’m nearing the end… =(

I know, it’s a sad time. You should know there is a cool follow-on mission even after you, “finish,” down there.

I recommend, from personal experience:

Pulls materials from nearby storage when crafting, and automatically crafts any sub-ingredients you’re missing.

Better Scanner Blips
Better control of blips on your HUD, and also scales them based on distance (which is a lot cooler and useful than you might think).

Seaglide Map Controls
Improves control of the Seaglide light and holomap display.

Prawn light switch
A switch to turn the Prawn lights on and off!

Prawn Upgrade Access
Lets you access Prawn storage and change attachments without getting out.

Those two are worth it alone! There is nothing worse than being deep in the middle of bad stuff and having to jump out to get something from the prawn storage or to change out the mods.

Nice list, thanks!

Also, accessing those upgrade slots from the moonpool is suprisingly finnicky.

Agreed. I don’t understand why the moonpool didn’t get the same small terminal like the Cyclops had where you can access storage, change out mods, etc. I mean, having to run all around the Seamoth getting things out of different storage is … drudging.

The floating island also gets a waypoint from listening to radio messages, so the game is pretty good about guiding you there.

As for the Seamoth storage container, it’s unintuitively in different spots depending on which upgrade slot you put it in.

Also in reply to @barstein from earlier: I had the waypoint the whole time. I had forgotten that the island is simply above (way above) where the marker is for the undersea base. I felt like an idiot after discovering that.

One more possibly terribly useful mod that I will conditionally recommend:

This one lets you drop all your swag into a receptacle and the mod will automatically distribute it out to lockers however you’ve configured it.

I never tried this one out because a) it looked like more work to set up the sorting than I wanted to do, and b) the fact that it looks like it replaces stock objects - the lockers - made me nervous about a bug causing me to lose all my treasure. Oh, and c) with EasyCraft already installed it didn’t seem quite as useful.

I made it back down using the prawn. New river base up and running. Slightly relocated the cyclops but it needs to ho back up for a it for a depth upgrade. Crisis mostly averted but I have to get by homie again just to upgrade the depth module.

And if you ask me that’s another small issue. The depth upgrades require the original as a component. But usually that’s in the vehicle. Worse, if you have to take it out, you need to have a base shallow enough that you dont break things just to upgrade. It’s a little hokey.

If I could code better, that’s an easy mod. Upgrades require prior one in place but install over and replace the original. No more taking tanks/fins/suit/modules off just to recraft them into an upgrade.

I have done a swap at depth successfully. It takes about 10 seconds to remove it, craft a new one at the modification station that you will build right outside the engine room, and put it back. It works. I saved before I did it (I don’t do hardcore) just in case, but it wasn’t needed.

Well that’s good to know I guess. I still have one more upgrade to do so I can attempt it. Being in hardcore mode though I might just take your word for it. :)

I just crafted another MK 1 module and used that for the switch. I now have the Cyclops far enough that I could pilot it all the way down (once upgraded again.) But for some reason I still prefer having a base down there too.

Huh. You should be able to find everything you need no deeper than the Jellyshroom Caves as best I remember.

You’ll find two substances you need going down there. Note there is an important location very near, “down there.” Good luck, sir.

I finished my hardcore run just a bit ago. I was dragging it out and building bases and finally just said, “what the hell am I doing?” and went for the finish.

Spoiler pic, do not look Rock8man or krayzkrok!:

The USS QT3 Hardcore prepared for takeoff.

Congrats! Was the ending nice and smooth? Or did you have any tense moments?

Just keep in mind she’s built like a steakhouse but she handles like a McDonald’s.

On the other hand, its pretty hard to scratch the paint and dents buff out real easy.