
Come on. 15 seasons. How many shows get half of that.

Star Trek: The Next Generation, DS9 and Voyager. West Wing. All seven seasons each.

I’m really curio

I don’t think Lego meant that no shows ever get half that. I think he means it is rare thing, which it is. The percentage of shows that make it that far is really low.

I’m very curious about the pay that the main actors have gotten over the years. My understanding is that for most shows, the talent costs become prohibitive, often because of union rules on how they scale.

I wonder if they were somehow able to address the problem to keep the show going.

I know, I know, I just thought it’d be funny to answer literally.

But yeah, helluva run.

Seven seasons is not half of fifteen though, is it? You failed.


Hahahaha deep cut man.

You know what I mean pedant!

Show me shows with over 7.5 seasons!

It sounds more like they decided to end it rather than it was cancelled.

I’m sure at least Jensen and Jared are wealthy enough to never work again. They’ve made a killing on the convention circuit and probably can continue to do so. They may simply be ready to do something else.

What I think is odd is when TV stars end a show voluntarily and then jump right into a new TV series. Ted Danson did that. Kelsey Grammer. If you liked working on TV why didn’t you just stay with what you had?

I don’t think that’s odd. If you’re an actor, I can seeing wanting different challenges than just playing the same character, forever. For example, I’ve seen many engineers get tired of working on the same project/technology for years on end.

So I wonder now if we will get a spinoff? It’s easy enough to keep the idea of monsters and monster hunters going.

I wish instead of ending it the stars were switching to doing 2-3 feature length movies instead.

That is sad. Still not all caught up yet. It’s a miracle it is still going at all. Would never have expected it 15 years ago when I watched season one. Still, one of my favourite TV shows of all time. I could watch Sam and Dean drive around doing stuff forever. Wayward Son will never be the same either. Then. Now. So many things that just stuck with me from the series overall. I always wondered how they will end it and soon we will know .

While a spin-off could be done I think it will be impossible to recapture what these two (three) guys brought to the series and made it special. There have been a few characters over the years I would have liked to see more but they are all dead. So it propably will be the end. Time to get out that Supernatural RPG I never got to run for my friends.

Yeah, I’m about 2.5 seasons behind, though I did see the Scooby episode. I grew a bit weary of the save-the-world story arc every season introduced. Also, all the people coming back from the dead just cheapened it a bit.

It will be interesting to see what Jensen Ackles does. Of all the cast I think he has the most star power.

He might just hangout in Austin and run his new brewery.

The head of CW agrees with you about the magic of the two and the unlikelyhood of capturing that again, despite fans wanting a Wayward Sisters spinoff for years.

As much as I liked Wayward Sisters, this show doesn’t really need a spin-off. Though watch them find a way to make one.

I liked the “test pilot” for Wayward Sisters but I think the overall creative team and the “Supernatural Universe” has kind of exhausted itself.

On the upside, several of the Wayward Sisters actors seem poised to get a lot more exposure, especially Kathryn Newton.

15 seasons is nuts.

I thought this show was running on creative/inspiration fumes after seasons 4 and 5, and I just lost interest. And the damn thing kept going for 10 more! Good on them, but have to believe they’ve wrung it pretty dry.

They’ve found ways to keep it interesting. The Scooby Doo crossover, or the episode told entirely from the Impala’s perspective, for example, are standouts, but they’ve kept it entertaining throughout.

I am glad it will be ending. I still like it, it is my comfort food, but it is time. Has been for a while.