Surprise! Going in for retinal detachment eye surgery tomorrow AM

I swear even though it’s been nearly a week since they removed the catheter it still feels like I have one the size of Grand Canyon still

Catheters always seemed like cruel and unusual punishment.

While 25kg weight loss may sound like a good idea (Noom is not a diet!) doing so at the cost of kidney and heart are both things I cannot recommend.

Not to pry and don’t feel at all obligated to reply, just curious-- was your diabetes untreated? Or are you much older than I assumed?

I have a family member on dialysis in her forties due to diabetes also but she didn’t treat the disease for many years.

Have been type 2 for 22 years since I was 20 with it in the family.

Well if I’m lucky I won’t lose the ability to pee. The nurse makes it sound like it’s supposed to be a downer but I dunno not having to piss could free up time for other optimizations.

CPAP setup again after 2 years, Try Not to Die Attempt 4!

Good luck rei! I cannot for the life of me tolerate a CPAP. Losing 70 pounds did the trick but that’s a whole nother barrel of unflavored water.

Well nobody booked my eye surgery I might as well perform it on myself

And they say our health system is slow!
Good luck there :\

My wife recently had retina detachment surgery and it was super easy, and simple recovery. And this was from a guy at the emergency eye care clinic who was all “oh cool I haven’t gotten to do one of these yet”…

So sorry to hear about your other issues though.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language to be spoken by a doctor! :)

I find the whole “watch one, do one, teach one” element of medicine is best not to think about.


Indeed. It was on a holiday and this was like the junior guy who was stuck there while everyone else was on vacation.

Even still I got the impression it was highly automated. The procedure was essentially:

  • Eye drops
  • Insert face into machine
  • Lasers do magic laser things

Almost as bad as, Oops. My bad.

So it might not need full blown surgery with the past month allowing my body eye bleeding and
Hemmoraging to subside. What was still painful was getting a ball stuffed against one eye and having a laser zap stuff.

It’s finally not all bad, so, yay?

“Anyone seen my watch?”

Man, love their gaslighting.

Oh here’s a new form of abuse my parents have discovered and delighted in commenting repeatedly “you’ve never been this forgetful before maybe it’s schizophrenic onset like my side of the family or maybe you’ve got cognitive decline isn’t that funny? Repeatedly remind me I’m “NOT NORMAL” specially NOW is not helpful.

Dang. They sound like master manipulators.

Well, we don’t exactly know the full story. Honestly it sounds like he didn’t control his diabetes.

No offense and it’s certainly none of my business, except he chose to post about it here.

None of that sounds like gaslighting, just kicking you when you’re down. Hope you are able to keep improving!