Tabletop RPGs 2021

Sounds like you went with the Hero level, which is where I’m at too. You can add Luck Tales in the pledge manager after the campaign.

And yes, Nazis shall be punched. What’s a pulp serial without some Nazi villains?

Luck Tales can also be added now via Manage Pledge and then selecting Luck Tales as a physical add-on for E30, if I recall. And that puts us E30 closer to the next goal! Pretty sure that’s the only add-on they’re doing during the campaign, others (more dice, coins, etc. – note to add physical add-ons you have to have a physical pledge) will be done via BackerKit once it closes tomorrow.
Edit: As @Wendelius stated Luck Tales physical should also be available in BackerKit as well, though wouldn’t hurt to double-check to be sure, would hate for you to miss out.

TLM have stated it will be. From the KS update comments:

Yes, English copies of LT will be available in backerkit as well!

Managing the pledge if you want to add it now is reputedly fiddly on mobile. If you want to add it that way, do it from your desktop.

Ah, yes, I’d forgotten that, definitely use desktop to manage pledges.
Also hit E160K and the portraits for each What If! On to Toon City!

It says “High Noon” but the picture is clearly sunrise (or sunset). Is it an inside joke??

You have a point. :)

In fairness, “High Noon” is the What If (the rules add-on for a Wild West setting) and the cover is just meant to be a representation of what might happen in it. Also, sunsets are cool. The rule of cool tends to win in RPGs.

This caused me so much grief on my kickstarter. Add-ons are a new feature and are just super flakey.

That art is so good! Absolutely sold me. I want a poster of it.

Good news, you are going to get high res images of all the cover art of all the books so you can make your own POD poster! I badgered them A LOT on making posters as pod they made it available! YAY! Sadly the art of the Nazi being punched by doesn’t lend itself to that :-/

Thank you all so much for your kind words on the actual play! We where all super freaked out and pee in the pants nervous for the actual play. It was such a fun experience though and the hat an unnecessary but incredible surprise. I shall wear it proudly. If it fits, that top hat seems huge. Thanks to everyone who pledged already, it is my favourite thing right now and I am so happy for the Two little Mice.

With the addition of the previous KS’ dice and the ability to get a physical reprint of Luck Tales it is getting really hard to stay at Man with the Hat. That leaves the two passports (already available to Hero at PDF), six postcards, and the first KS’ luck coin as the only prior KS stuff in Man with the Hat not available at Hero (with an additional E50 to pick up physical Luck Tales – though with the “reprint logo” – and the two prior sets of dice). The hat is nice but is it, two passports, six postcards, and the luck coin an additional E300 nice? Also worried a bit about shipping on the hat to the US. Any of you Man with the Hat backers and fretting over this as well? I want to release that pledge soon if I decide to change so as to maximize the chance of a pick-up by someone else.

The dice are also only guaranteed for Man with a Hat. The available quantities of those original ones is very limited. But I totally understand if you don’t feel the pressure to keep it just to get all books. It wasn’t meant for that but really the über fans that want a fun gimmick hat.

In the last hour now, 183K, I will stay up until it closes out. Who needs sleep?

I stuck with “Man with the Hat” to support 2LM and their hat guy Luca. Really impressed by the campaign and the company, happy to support them. Hoping beyond hope that we hit E190K but I think it is a long shot. I did add some extra coins to the pledge to help a little bit. ;)

I think everyone did. we may get there…

190.248 €!!! In the last few seconds.


Look, I’m mostly here for the Nazi-murder and the atmospheric black metal soundtrack on the trailer, but this looks gloriously over-the-top and fun.

I mean, it’s no Thirsty Sword Lesbians. But really, what is?

Any recommendations regarding software/services to build world maps for a campaign? Something that requires a subscription or fee is fine.

I’m eyeballing: Inkarnate, Worldspinner, Wonderdraft and Campaign Cartographer. Any input/suggestions/advice welcomed

Stay away from Campaign Cartographer. It’s CAD and not very userfriendly. Inkarnate and Wonderdraft are both nice, I prefer Wonderdraft for the one time fee. Haven’t used Worldspinner.

Thanks! I’m happy with Dungeonfog for Tactical Maps, so maybe Wonderdraft is the way to go for me? On Inkarnate versus Wonderdraft:

1.) Which has the widest terrain options?
2.) Can you do a hex overlay for scale for both?
3.) Do they have “layer” kind of boundaries so you could for example display political boundaries and cultural areas on the same map?
4.) Do they both let you do a whole “globe” (or flat circle, given your cosmological wont) and then narrow it down from there, focusing in on specific regions or continents?

Inkarnate on average looks much better when you know what you do. Its difficult to say who has more varied options as both support custom art.

Wonderdaft can do a hex overlay but not coordinates afaik. I think there is a Hex art Pack for Inkarnate as well but never worked with hexes in it.

You can do layers in Wonderdraft not sure about Inkarnate. Not very well versed in Inkarnate I must admit.

I don’t think you can do number 4 with either. You can kind of cheat this in Wonderdraft by taking the large scale map, zoom into a section and draw over it. I wager Inkarnate could do something similar.

I haven’t made a map with either since a year, so my knowledge may well be outdated!