Tainted Grail: Conquest, Wyrdness galore

My bad, I’m not so good at reading comprehension I guess. Thanks for the advice, I got that golem good!


You definitely want to figure out how to best leverage the class you are playing by way of runestones and passives (which sounds obvious to say, but whatever). Happy to help with other classes, if needed.

I’ve mentioned it before, but don’t underestimate the value of armor. It makes a huge difference to survivability, regardless of class

@Hereafter yeah, I really like the way the stories progressively unfold, much like Hades.

Congrats! I was going to recommend you to play other classes. I just couldn’t click with the Wrydhunter myself.

I had taken a break with my move and all, but I’ve started playing this again for a week or so. I thought I was going to forget what I was doing but it came back quickly. I beat the true boss for2 or 3 classes and just lost as a pathfinder because I did something stupid. I think that’s my least favorite class that I’ve played.

I was going up a difficulty level with each win, so I think I’ll stay at 4 since I lost. I still like this game quite a bit and want to see how the rest of the classes play.

Pathfinder is the only class I lost with in my first go with each class. I’ve seen people say it is really strong, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think over difficulty 18 Pathfinder is the best since there is no limit to how much damage you can absorb and dish out. The class is very card focused though and you need those block cards and you need to get rid of non blocks maneuver cards asap.

Yeah, I haven’t climbed that high on difficulty, but can certainly see that.

After playing several more runs, I’ve realized I’m not a fan of the summoning classes that much. Especially the Blood Mage where they self destruct after promoting past level 4. I think the first coupel classes are my favorites.

Heh. Blood Mage is my favorite class 😅

It’s funny how that is!

I’m trying the necromancer for the first time right now and it’s sort of growing on me - but the battles take forever. I probably just need something to click to get more efficient with this one.

Necromancer isn’t the easiest. It got severely nerfed in an update and I think they might have overdone it a bit. At any rate, you want to work toward getting into lich mode every turn eventually, since that’s where the real power lies. The class is a bit fiddle for my taste, personally.

Any idea why necromancer summons start off with attack strength < 100%? I just summoned a fresh level 4 abomination and its attack strength is only 35%.

Necro summons don’t do crap for damage until you enter lich mode. That’s just how Necro works

I made the mistake of doing a treasure combat with the necro when all the enemies were the wisp light creatures that negated all damage below 50 or negated by 4 hits in a single turn. I could damage them so rarely, their buffs started getting their damage too high.

Yeah, the Necro is a slow starter. Until you can get into Lich form more easily later in a run, it’s a challenge to get set up for it at the right time. Necro used to summon minions one level higher and get two more energy when entering lich form, which I suspect made it easier to get set up for a turn you could do some real damage

I’ve been playing this for the last few weeks. On my first game, I was able to beat the 2nd boss. I was thinking: “this is pretty easy”. I was so wrong. After that I died mostly on the first boss or the second. I don’t remember what I did in the first game, but I couldn’t do it again.

I then tried the different class a few times has I unlock them. But the game was kicking my ass, until I unlocked the Apostate. I was able to kill all the monsters and the last guardian. And finally unlocking the seamstress.

That combination of lowering the cost of maneuvers and keeping them in your hand. It’s just too crazy.

I tried a second game with the classes and was able to finish the last guardian too. Maybe I just don’t know how to make good combo with the other classes, but the Apostate is awesome.

Yeah, apostate can feel a bit like using a cheat code.

Is the friend high scoreboard working for anyone? I’ve got 20 friends that have played the game and no friends on my leaderboard. I finally broke into the top 1000 with the Wyrdhunter and almost top 500 with the Zealot.

I managed to take a sentinel all the way to level 20 and move to the 3rd area before I died. I’m still pretty bad but I’m enjoying it.

I bought it at GOG so no friends list for me :)

Hey Rob, add me?

I don’t play those classes though lol

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