Task Force Admiral - a WW2 PTO carrier battles simulator

Unfortunately, that’s still hard to say. When I’ll have an idea myself, I’ll make sure to tell others about it ^^

Wow is right. I mean I’ve never heard of another sim modeling the elevator operations on an aircraft carrier. Sadly the F4U pilot I knew has passed, but I would have loved to show this to him.

Oh hello @Strollen !
Sorry I had missed your comment. Yeah, it’s a shame - hope he went away peacefully though. S! to him, of course. I hope he’d have liked what he’d have seen in there.

We just posted a small contemplative episode, if some of you are in a Zen phase. This way please :)

Hello to you all!
We have a small Xmas update, available on our Steam page. This way please!

I will also take this opportunity to wish all the QT3 community a fine holiday season - let’s hope that the next year will bring health & happiness to all of yours!

Cheers and take care!

The TFA team

Hello there, Ladies & Gentlemen of QT3!

Our latest update is here, with the progress we reported over the last few weeks and some more.

Please feel free to come over there pay us a visit - and leave a like if you fancy what you read, it helps a lot for discoverability! Just click on the pic below:

Cheers - and stay safe, all of you!

So how is this different from War on the Sea?

Haha here he goes, have at it amiral!

Oh dear. That’s a long story and hard to tell properly without sounding biased of course. But still.
But made short, we have the same setting but this is pretty much where the comparison stops. The background sounds similar due to the theater and the naval theme, but we are not aiming for the same objectives using the same methods.

Basically, WotS adapts to some extent the setting to its take on gameplay, while we do it the other way around and hope for gameplay to deliver properly at the end. We do not have the same opinion in regard of how our units should be represented and recreated, how formations should behave, how communications and chain of command should work, how graphic & immersion should be integrated, among other things. Our research and the application made of it is of a different nature too. I suppose a quick look at our dev diaries & our website should be worth the exploration. I don’t find particularly classy to go further down the road of comparison for it could easily be wrongly interpreted, so I will rather advise to have a look at what’s been developed and showed so far, which by itself should already highlight the differences between our respective approaches :)

Still WotS naturally has for it a great gameplay loop, a household name & more gameplay modes at release than what we plan on having in our own first iteration, which will be based on single scenarios, backed by a scenario generator and a scenario builder. We wouldn’t go at this point for a campaign, as it would require much more resources if it was to be done along the same lines as the rest. We will first make the game work, and then we have a lot of avenues of development available to us (which will certainly include a change of command scale rather sooner than later too).

I am so damn excited for this game! Love what you’re doing with this.

If some of you are into history, we just contributed to a small history piece on Military Aviation History’s youtube channel. It might be of interest to those who want to know more about whatever happened before Coral Sea. The event featured today is the struggle of USS Lexington against the Betties of 4.Kokutai off Bougainville on 20 February 1942. We provided in-game footage for the action scenes. It is work in progress, but it is still not too shabby if I dare say. Enjoy! :)

Would be very cool to have a TV show based on this like they did with Rome: Total War. Though I guess it would just be Twitch streaming a multiplayer game these days.

Very cool.

Hi there everyone!

We’re having an interview on Single Malt Strategy, hosted by strategy-focused streamers The Historical Gamer & Tortuga Power going live later today 10 AM US Central. We will take part to this interview together with our mates Nils from Triassic making Sea Power & Jo from Hexdraw making Second Front so I suppose anyone with a slight interest in strategy games with big guns/bombs/rockets/related explosives might find something to his liking in there :slight_smile:

In the meantime, here are a few more videos - allow me to abuse the embedding functions of this forum ;)

First of all, our latest collab with Military Aviation History:

And smaller snippets using related footage that we posted since April:


OMG this is so cool!

Ok can you really imagine – 5-6 squadrons of dive bombers and torpedo planes – flying to … where? The last known signal. God those guys were crazy brave…

No kidding. And not being sure whether they’d have a place to land, even if they survive the flak and air-to-air combat.

I enjoyed this recent round of videos. It feels like the open ocean.

Most impressive.


And yeah, in this age of GPS and always knowing where you and everything else is, it’s easy to forget the sheer nerve and faith in your own and your mates’ abilities required for WWII carrier flying (among other things).

Yeah. These are quite the tales. Not even being sure what they’d find there, based on inaccurate reports, by people who might see double, or not report their own proper position, and when they get home, especially if the carrier wasn’t attacked in the first place, not being able to raise it on the radio due to EMCON, having to rely on stuff like the Z/D baker beacon, the beam of which works nearly on a line of sight basis… Having to guess which way your carrier went… Coming back when the evening is a few minutes away, with the fuel gauge in the red…
Hope we will be able to recreate that sort of tension, time will tell :)

Thanks guys for the kind comments, much appreciated!