Tell us what's happened to you recently (that's interesting)

I just watched that too a couple weeks ago for the first time. Thanks to Comcast on demand for bringing me hits of the 80s that I never saw the first time.

I was stuck outside my apartment for half an hour tonight because there was a skunk that wouldn’t move out of the driveway since it was eating the feed that the old lady downstairs leaves out for the birds/squirrels/cat (at once) every day, and my room-mate had locked the outer side door shut (the door has no bearing on security at all, as the garage is always open) so it wouldn’t flap in the wind, even though I’d told him not to do that for exactly this reason! In the rain! Huzzah!

That’s what my lady and I do. It works. Also, when I am not around or she is not around, then the person on the computer also gets to watch tv. It’s the shit. Add the fact we have Tivo, and you are consuming mass media entertainment at nearly two point five times the standard rate.

I used to cop a lot of flack when I had a seperate study. Things are much better sharing a living room with the TV and PC. The only downside is that I can no longer surf porn.

Move the computer and angle the monitor.

I originally had my PC in the same room as the TV. Bad idea. I would put the headphones on to settle into a game of Civ or whatever, and I would be constantly interrupted by my wife - who is wonderful in all other aspects - explaining to me what was on the television. Which I could see. So that didn’t work. So I moved the PC into the bedroom, and now she only comes in to tell me what’s on television during the commercials.

True story.

Someone else who shares my pain.

We’ve got a similar set-up and it keeps my girlfriend happy while she’s into her TV and magazines and I’m gaming. However, I have the same problem as madkevin and Brendan – even if I’m gaming away, totally immersed in Gothic or something with headphones on, my girl wants to tell me what’s up with what she’s watching or reading. I hate the thought of playing a über-tense game like Uplink and getting interrupted in the middle of an complex illicit bank transfer with news of celebrity breakups. Fortunately, she needs more sleep than I do.

On-topic: I just went to a wedding in Scotland and wore a kilt for the first time.

Just handed in my resignation for a job that is going to pay less but give me some potential for growth and profit sharing, but it’s going to be hard work.

The reaction when I handed in my resignation : “Are you serious?”, followed by “Here we go again.”. Programmers have been bailing like flies here. I’m not a fan of the guy but even I feel a little sorry for him.

Combine a new house, wedding, adopting feral cats and a new job and it’s been a big six months for me and the missus. I thrive on chaos and stress but the missus is taking a little strain. I’ve promised her next year will be more relaxed…

Just accepted a relocation package from my company.

Moving from Northern Virginia to Columbia, SC.

The top ten things my wife and I think will improve the quality of life as a result of the move is:

  1. to shed the townhouse and get a single family home with moderate back yardage for hopefully half of our current mortgage.
    2-10) Lose the current commute of 1.5 hours one way (on a good day) back down to something reasonable.

Only problem with the move is that having no affinity for college football I may be a stranger in a strange land. I’ll see if I can’t fake it though…let’s try.

Go Cocks!

Started my new job at the MIT Media Lab right before they began their Sponsor Week (which is going on right now.) Pretty hectic, but there’s all sorts of nifty tech demos all over the place.

What do you do at the media lab?

— Alan

He maintains their Lotus Notes.

Pretty much, yeah.

I work in the HR department, handling what little bit of legal document review and management they need, and doing admin stuff the rest of the time.

Eleven days ago, late at night, I accidentally stumbled into a “processing room” while searching for a glass of water. This was the first night of my stay with a relative, who happens to own and operate a funeral home. The photos were taken the next morning.

Then four days later, while visiting the Montréal Biodôme, I was flashed by this amorous ray:

Maybe all these deaths lately are just a side effect of being incredibly horny?

EEK. I wonder how many people would “pull back the sheet” and peek underneathe. You should start a new poll with this story/picture.

She killed Ragnaros with me.

I have dinner and lodging reservations at the Bedford Villiage Inn for Nov 18th. The lodging is in the “Summit Suite” and includes a jacuzzi. Now, how to surprise her? “No honey, we’re not raiding tonight, we’re going out. Fancy. Oh, and pack your bag.” She’ll know somethings up.

I drank a 12 pack of ale. Well almost I’m on 12 right now.

Why? There’s clearly nothing under the sheet other than the table.

Alls I’m saying is, when you end up dead, we’re all going to be like “YOU MORON WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”