Terminator: Dark Fate

Oddly enough the liquid metal CG looks worse than the FX in T2. At least to me.

I agree, but I seem to be easier to please than most here.

T2 is a great movie in part because of its hopeful ending. It’s essentially impossible to make a sequel that doesn’t betray that, which is a significant part of the reason every attempt to do so has sucked. I mean, you can’t start off a new film with “nope, wait, turns out there is fate and nothing we do matters” and get anywhere worth going.

I adore Linda Hamilton and would love for this to be great, but I honestly don’t see a path there.

Yes, bringing back the old theme is really important. “The Predator” was a disappointment overall, but at least they understood this, and heavily used the musical themes from the original Predator throughout the movie. That’s one of about only three things they did right, but it still made a big impact on me, and I enjoyed myself despite the poor script.

It’s sort of the same thing with Aliens 3. Newt was at the heart of Ripley’s maternal Theme, and she and Hicks are killed off-screen. Meanwhile, they keep trying to redo the Haunted House in Space story when all we want is escalation. And then the franchise goes totally off the rails with the Predator spin-offs and Prometheus.

reddit dorks were absolutely fangirling over Arnold today, and damn if he didn’t deserve it. Utterly charming.

He literally provided life-long inspiration to multiple nerds via a few short inspirational sentences.

Nice trailer. If I don’t watch the movie it won’t ruin the trailer experience. So I think that’ll be enough for me, it was worth the click.

It does give away the fact that there are explosions. More than one explosion. Many explosion. When will the move Explosion come out?

There needs to be a Mr. Torgue movie.

Just saw it. Thought it was pretty good, bordering on great. Arnie is quite good, Mackenzie Davis was excellent. Linda Hamilton was serviceable, if a bit wooden. Got a little bit too fast and furiousy in a couple of places, action-wise, but on the whole very enjoyable.

How intimidating is the new Terminator? Because in the commercials he looks like a high school teacher.

Yeah that’s pretty close to my thoughts as well - definitely better than I was expecting, but yes some of the action sequences were hard to follow, and 90% of the movie was action sequences. It’s certainly no T2, but I liked it a lot more than say, The Predator.

Haha yeah - can’t say I found him very intimidating, no.

I didn’t think the new terminator was all that bad, I thought he had ok presence and his new trick seemed an interesting evolution of the T2 model that made for some interesting fight scenes.

I liked it, but it’s sort of like a remix of a song that you love, you still like it, but it’s not the same. Still, I’d say they’re now in the exact same place they were when T2 ended, how to continue the story and still be a Terminator movie. Which, BTW, this one already had to stretch a bit, it’s a good thing AI’s seem to really like their send a single robot to the past solutions…

I have absolutely no interest of seeing this whatsoever, and I’m a guy who went to a midnight showing of T2 waaaaay back in the day.

This was better than I expected, and God knows that I’ve seen a lot of worse movies this year. But “bordering on great”?!

They did basically nothing with the rev9’s gimmick. The fight scenes had some funny moments, but didn’t make good use of the sets. I really didn’t like the acting (or directing?) for Grace; they were doing that role basically as a Terminator rather than human. It didn’t fit at all.

And holy fuck that moronic twist of Dani will be the savior of humankind rather than the mother. That was obvious from like 30 minutes into the movie. Sure, I guess you can have an explicit reveal near the end. But having all the characters just be stunned by that revelation?

Legion was an underwhelming villain. Nobody will remember it in a year. Moist likely we’ll just think that Skynet was in this movie too.

Anyway, any part where they have Schwarzenegger talk is good. Too bad the movie took so long to get there.

I didn’t like this at all. Implausible action scenes, even for wacky time travel fiction, boring characters (how can anyone say they like the Dani character?), a dry boring terminator that wasn’t intimidating even though he was too powerful to deal with, and lots of unnecessary rehashed scenes and plot.

Holy crap, does every action scene in every movie need to be turned up to 11!?!? They exhausted my suspension of disbelief about 10 mins into the movie.

Totally forgettable and derivative work.

Well it’s been one day but movie is on pace for a poor ~28 million opening. Not good for a reported 185 million production budget. Think it’s time to just put a fork in it Hollywood.