Terminator: Resistance - FPS, particles, lens flares

Jim Sterling has been going on about this game for a couple days. He gives heaps of praise to the developers for lovingly crafting a mid-tier game by stretching every available penny put into the game to its max and making sure each of those pennies is spent with the primary purpose of making the game deliver as much quality as possible given their limited budget. He genuinely seems impressed and supportive of the developers efforts to do right by fans and the license itself, even if they don’t have Fallout money.

I watched Tom stream this game a couple months ago and decided right there I needed to get this but it had fallen off my radar since then. When Jim Sterling reminding me about this game after I’d done forgot, I decided I should pick it up. I was planning to get this on Xbox, but there’s a $20 difference the base price between that and Steam. So Steam it is.

And oh man, the wrap-up of the bit on Terminator Resistance at the start of this video had me ROFLing out loud on the floor laughing and rolling:

I have no patience for Jim Sterling or his whatever-the-hell-that-is that he does, but I am interested in this game. Looks like a good time! But I’ll wait for a sale.

I’d easily buy a sequel. This seems to have been pretty successful so maybe a sequel could see some quality upgrades due to the success of this. Still over 90% favorable on Steam from purchasers which is almost unheard of.

It deserves a sequel. I need to finish it.

The devs just shipped a patch that does many of the things I hoped they would improve:


  • General enemy AI Improvements and fixes

  • Enemies will behave differently based on difficulty selection

  • Improved general balance of difficulty levels.

  • Loot found will now differ depending on the difficulty

  • Weapon stats will differ between difficulties

  • General weapon stats have been slightly modified

  • Skill tree variables have been slightly modified

  • Rail plasma weapons (Snipers) now consume 5 ammo rounds per shot, instead of 1

  • TC16 plasma weapons (Semi-Auto rifles) now consume 2 ammo rounds per shot, instead of 1


  • FOV (Field of view) slider added to video options

  • FidelityFX (AMD) option added to video options (Contrast-Adaptive Sharpening and upscaling)

  • Immersion Upgrades - HUD modification options added. You can now enable/disable individual HUD elements to make the game more immersive

  • Improved support for Ultrawide resolutions

  • Level lighting & post-processing improvements

  • Chromatic aberration toggle added to video options

  • Other small graphics improvements and tweaks


  • Player movement/locomotion has been slightly improved


  • Save backup system added to help prevent data being lost

  • Numerous crash fixes

  • Other small bug fixes and improvements

Dang, that’s a nice list of improvements and fixes. Puts some AAA devs to shame.

Nice. 25% off at Steam too. There haven’t been huge discounts on this so maybe it’s been doing well.

Nice patch, though the 5 ammo for each sniper shot is nasty - then again, I had hundreds of plasma rounds by the end of the game so . . .

Still one of my favorite games of the year.

$15.99 on PS Store…hopefully the patch goes to PS4 also. Buying.

Still $40 on Xbox One. Blah.

I don’t want to pay even $30 on Steam if it’s half that price on a console.

I will continue waiting and hoping.

I bought this on summer sale, and was really i glad i got it. I was really impressed with this one and surprised it didnt have its own thread. This game is the back story of Terminator 1 and 2, set in the time of Conners future and leads up to the events of the first and 2nd movie. Sound, music, and gameplay all capture the feel surprisingly well

Whats most amazing is that its essentially Fallout 3 light. Missing perks and VATS (though it does even have a version of VATS sort of), but has just about everything else. RPG elements of leveling up your character, check. Inventory and crafting, check. Weapons galore, check. Choices matter, with evolving story, check. Even Several love interests!

It says its a FPS on steam, which almost made me pass on it, but its so much more!

I was really surprised how much i enjoyed this game, will be playing again!

I have been wanting this game for months, ever since laughing at Jim Sterling’s comments on it in one of his videos.

I finally picked this up a couple days ago but probably won’t get around to playing it for several days, or maybe a week or two. But I’m very much looking forward to doing so.

I streamed this when it came out and had a great time. I should revisit it, the changes mentioned to it sound great.

It does!

Though I like your thread name better. Let there be two threads!

Thanks guys! Bought!

While this is certainly true I’m getting more of a TWD vibe coming from this game, especially because of the writing. It’s clearly low budget but competently made - reminds me of some Spiders titles I played in that regard.

TWD? Total War Death?

The Witcher, Delicious!

The Walking Dead

I got this as well on sale, earlier, and have been really liking it. It’s nowhere near a AAA title, more like A-level, but very competent. It’s old-school FPS in many ways–generally small-ish, linear levels, no pretense at being open-world, a pretty unvarying “main objective, side objective, optional nook or cranny” structure for each level, and no mantling or climbing, or even any real jumping on stuff. Still, the Unreal engine works well of course, gun play is good, each weapon has a good and distinct feel and sound, and combat feel is pretty good.

The game excels in atmosphere, and the sounds is part of that. Very well done and scary as crap at times. The lighting is good too, and while the environments won’t win any design prizes, or art shows, they are appropriate for the setting, and really evoke the first two movies (the only good ones?) nicely.

Quibbles? The dialog/cutscenes can get corny (please, designers, no more 3D-modeled voyeuristic soft-core porn scenes, thank you), though the voice acting is good IMO. The weapon selection and balance is a bit out of whack, in that the limited inventory and plenitude of plasma ammo makes ballistic weapons fairly useless very early on, yet you continue to find them and their ammo long after you don’t use them. The binary can affect/cannot affect setting for weapons is also a bit rough, and I think a spectrum approach would have been better, with the four ballistic weapons doing less and less damage, but never no damage, and the various plasma weapons doing more and more damage as you upgraded.

The game uses a hub system, sort of, and everything plays out in discrete levels. As I said, old school, which I think works fine here, but don’t go in to this thinking your’e getting a modern FPS structure.

Overall, very well done, and shows how modest budgets and (I am guessing) modest-sized teams can make good games.