Terminator: Resistance - FPS, particles, lens flares

People keep saying this, but I’ve yet to play a game where combat against robots is fun. It’s like zombies, where the designers don’t have to spend any resources on AI because they will just move towards you without any regard for their own “lives”. Add a healthy dose of bullet sponge (so that it’s not too easy) and you get the most boring kind of FPS I can imagine (zombie games can vary this with the zombies being easy to kill but there are more of them).

So my question is if the combat in this game is like that? And, if not, what makes it different?

It’s different in a way that enemies seem to have an aimbot (fair in this case I suppose lol) and will single you out even when you have a group of 10 allies with you. I suppose also fair, given the story of the game, but still rather annoying to actually play.

I only find the combat bearable when I open up on single isolated targets with a sniper plasma weapon to knock them down with first hit and then destroy them with the second.

That sounds… awful.

Well, yes, I should have said the combat feel is pretty good for a game where you fight robots only. I generally do not like fighting robots either. But here, it fits the story and manages to work pretty well. I think one thing that is good is the way the Terminators fall down, heh.

Yeah, though I’m rarely with allies at least. Sniper rifle then the semi-auto to the face works one on one usually. Grenades are great. It’s also fun to sneak up and knife them.

It’s not, really. I will say this is not a game to play for FPS per se, rather that the FPS stuff is good enough to carry the story/atmosphere. The fun comes from prowling around the ruins of LA and environs being hunted by killing machines with glowing red eyes. It’s a game for people who really like the early Terminator movies, and it’s sort of a love-letter to them. If you’re lukewarm about the subject matter, the game itself won’t woo you on its own merits I think.

Well said. As a fan of Terminator, I really like the atmosphere and immersion of the game. I think I am about half way through and looking forward to seeing what happens to completion.

Guessing you haven’t played Horizon Zero Dawn then.

They said fun, not unfun.

If it wasn’t clear I was talking about FPS games.

In some ways, playing this is like playing a FPS against bots. Except this time, as noted above, it’s rather literally bots.

If this got the AAA treatment, there are many things that could be enhanced or added to juice up combat among other aspects, though really I don’t think it needs any of that. It is fine for what it tries to be.

But, in our hypothetical world, I would not mind seeing things like missions being laid out on a world map, giving your a sense of the geography of SoCal where this takes place and more firmly situating the action in the story lines; human enemies, perhaps post-apocalyptic gangs, or even humans who have sold out to the machines, or maybe other factions; somewhat more varied levels and slightly less corridor-ness; more robust crafting and skill progression; more fleshed out interactions with NPCs; and maybe base building.

None of that is necessary though, as long as you take this for what it is.

Civvie 11 chimed in on this one

just fyi these launch reviews do not reflect the patch that significantly changed the balance (I posted its log above)

I am quite curious how the game would play now compared to launch. Not swimming in first aid packs I assume.

Playing on Normal and I’ve run out of healing stuff once or twice, so the balance seems good there. Really, the only complaint I have is getting stuck on or in the geometry. You spend a lot of time sneaking in the dark, and I’ve ducked into nooks and crannies to avoid aerials only find myself totally stuck on some part of the world, and unable to move. A problem, to be fair, shared by many, many 3D games, of course!

From reading the forums, the game play has changed alot - it is much more challenging. First off, ammo is more scarce and plasma weapons use more of it,so you won’t be drowning in plasma ammo as I was at the end of the game. Secondly, the terminators have been buffed, they are much harder to bring down. Thirdly the AI has been improved - the terminators will hunt you more, and do things like open doors and check out rooms. I’ll probably replay it at some point to see these changes. Luckily, the game gives you the tools to deal with this, what with sticky bombs, noise distractors, etc. They were fun to use but not necessary - now they are.

That would make for a really cool game. The idea of other possible competing human factions sounds great, along with more open world structure.

I’m glad to see this game is getting some love here. I really enjoyed it, it was a very pleasant surprise, much better than I had hoped for.

Hey y’all this is on sale again today if y’all have been meaning to pick it up.

I enjoyed my playthrough. It doesn’t have any replayability, IMO, but it is well worth the asking price, especially on sale.

I’ll add my thumbs up. I bought it during the steam summer sale. It’s a derivative, but charmingly enthusiastic game. I bought it during the steam summer sale, and thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, even if the endgame could’ve used some trimming down.

Also a recommend, probably play it again in a few years once my memory of the fun and story fades. otherwise agree with the low replayability