The 2023 20:20 Frame Game


Yeah, I’m gonna lose this one, aren’t I?

Can’t lose if you don’t post frames! taps head

I’ve posted two frames without a single guess!

Is it Two Women go Camping while Two Other Women Negotiate the Purchase of Groceries at a Creepy Convenience Store?

Also that one camping woman has a cool “Demon” cup. Or Pringles can. Whatever that thing is. I want one.

It’s wild how different those frames are. They don’t feel like they should be from the same movie.

Yep, pretty sure I’m gonna lose this one.

I’ll have the next frame up this evening.

Let’s see if the 60:60 helps.

It doesn’t help me. But if I ever find out who put the lettuce between the turkey and the cheese on that sandwich, they’ll wish I hadn’t.

It’s not the final frame, but it will be the final useful frame. Such as it is.


I know it isn’t, but the first thing that came to mind is Barton Fink.

Correct! It is not, in fact, Barton Fink.

Yeah, those would be flames instead of blood.

Considering my job, nothing says horror to me more than seeing ethernet cable hanging down from a drop ceiling. I’d axe that guy too if he’s the one that did that.

This is some kind of horror anthology thing, isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve seen it. I’ll say… V/H/S 2.

Nope, not V/H/S 2. Good guess though!

We are on day 11 of this one. Any chance we can shove along? We clearly don’t know it.

It should be a frame a day. One movie should not take more than a week.

Alright, I’ll concede. The 80:80 won’t help at all:

It’s 2019’s Scare Package, a surprisingly enjoyable horror-comedy anthology.

I’ll have a new 20:20 up in just a moment…

I think this one will go quicker (as in, at all), despite the first frame not being super helpful.
