The 5-player forum game of Sol: Last Days of a Star is underway!

Ok, I’ll launch 3 sundivers like so (d = diver, S = mothership), 2 in outer orbit, one in inner)

outer d | d 
inner d |

Current rulebook on their site too:


Oh hey look at this


Haha… if it makes you feel any better, I didn’t choose first player according to that discussion above. I set out the ships and Matt’s was the one that had the big gap!

When playing Sol, we always made a great show of haranguing anyone who innocently asked “Is it my turn?”. We would then look at the board and the ship gap and say, in as punchable a voice as we could muster, “Gosh, if only there were some way to tell who’s turn it is!” We were pretty clever that way.

And by “we” I mean “me” because anyone else would just tell the person whether it was their turn.


Ok, so after carefully reviewing the rules, really not figuring out what my strategy is going to look like, but planning out a couple turns anyway… I’m going to do exactly the same thing Matt did.

And I’m a Matt. So at this point the Matts are in sync. @Dave_Perkins

I like that story!

@Kolbex activate sex toy.

Ok, after careful perusal of the condensed rules I believe the following is legal:

I’d like to launch two sundivers to the two inner orbit spaces “below” my mothership and then advance the forward (closest to arrendek’s mothership) one one space counterclockwise.


If you’ve seen anything we are doing wrong, let us know!

I think @Kolbex’s divers should be one space apart. The back one should be one space further back. He deployed 2 and moved one forward to leave a gap.

Ah yes, I got lost when I hit “one one”, reading that as “two”.


Just wanted to say: preeeeeetttyyyy

I will also launch two sundivers into outer orbit, and then one sundiver into inner orbit at the front of my ship. Basically, what @Matt_W did, too.


And now my sad news: I am traveling until tomorrow evening, whereupon we shall continue! I’m happy that we all got a turn in. I mean, besides me.

Everyone but me is taking the exact same turn, eh? Is this game solved?

Considering we’ll probably all be using each other’s stations in a few turns I don’t think it would be possible to “solve” it unless we all did so as a team.

I am home! And I will pull a Kolbex, except move my back one back one!


Who swapped out my beautiful yellow ship for some chibi kids scissors!?

* Can’t unsee it, Jerk Chicken.

I will once again launch 3 divers like so:

outer   d  |  
      ---< S <---
inner   d  | d(d)

The (d) in parenthesis indicates a diver already on that spot. I added arrows next to the S to denote counter-clockwise ship movement: forward is left.