The Americans (FX)

Huh, this is real. As in, you can click play and everything.

Is it a parody or something?

Definitely. In the first skit, Margo Martindale has to go because the President tweeted out something.

Wonder how many people Elizabeth will stab/shoot/choke out tonight?

BTW are we still thinking that Stan’s main squeeze is KGB?

I still think Stan’s girlfriend is KGB and would be pretty disappointed if she’s not since they’ve kept casting suspicion on her for two seasons. Only 5 episodes left however.

Has it always been 10 episodes or have they announced that number already?

Looks like all the other seasons had 13, IMDB and other sites showing 10 for this season though.

Wow Philip really went there this episode. That phone at the end. He is done with this shit.

It was Stan’s story that did it.

Poor Kimmy–she’ll never see “Jim” again.

I agree.

I’m I the only one is rooting for Elizabeth to be killed? I use to have a ton of sympathy for her, but in addition to be on the wrong side of history, she is going to destroy her families life if she isn’t stopped.

I’m not sure about Stan’s girlfriend. It certainly makes sense for her to be interested in the FBI is she is a part of the KGB. On the other hand talk about long-range planning, has she really been under cover for decades just to infiltrate the FBI.

This leads to me a question I’ve been thinking about this season. How many spies do we think the Soviets had in Washington DC, during the 1980s? Google says there are roughly 150 total in the US now. Would it be possible that there was a completely separate group of spies like Renee, and not even their handlers would know about Phillip and Elizabeth?

Did you mean that not even Phillip and Elizabeth’s handlers would know about someone like Renée? Or that such knowledge is of a “need to know” type so it’s kept from them or from the rank and file?

Yes that’s my question. If Renee is a KGB agent, wouldn’t Phillip and Elizabeth’s handlers know about her, and wouldn’t at least Claudia have told them by know. If for no other reason than to keep them from a conflict.

Or for operational security is there an entirely separate group of agents, and nobody in Washington knows who they are?

In total I think Elizabeth and Phillip have interacted with 3 or 4 dozen agents over there careers. If there are 300 spies in the US at during the 80s, maybe 100-150 would probably be in Washington. So it is possible there are several spies rings and only people in Moscow knows all of them.

I wonder if Renée’s job is to “take care of” Phillip and Elizabeth should Stan and the FBI get too close and they look like they’ll give themselves up.

Please understand this is second-hand hearsay. I have no security clearance, whatsoever. That said, back in the 80’s I was around some people who did. My impression? A LOT.

I forget, was this the first time Jim and Kimmy actually slept together, or had they crossed that line before? I thought they’d already done that, I remember their relationship felt gross already, but I couldn’t tell if the weight of that happening in this episode was because it was new, or if it was just that he had to resort to that again now that he was “out”.

No, Phillip (officially one L or two BTW?) had had the opportunity to sleep with her before, when she was still in high school, but his scruples held him back (and seeing as how he had a daughter the same age). In this last episode, you could see how he was only doing the deed with Kimmy out of a sense of duty to his wife (more than the cause, obviously).

BTW, what was the lady from the Rezidentura claiming that Oleg did, that he denied, and that she claimed damaged her career irrevocably?

Let’s see, she was doing the secret project with… the biological weapons? She said he leaked it. Ok, that does sound like something Oleg would have done because he thought biological plagues are bad for mankind. I believe the scientist who stole it thought it was a bad idea too because their flasks… leaked. And Phillip thought it was bad too.

Basically all the reasonable people.

That was probably it. It also occurred to me that it might have been when Oleg helped Stan expose the faux Soviet defector (can’t remember if that happened in the same season as the bioweapon stuff).

Thanks, I was a little unclear about that also. But now I do vaguely remember her working on it and talking to Oleg on it.