The Apple Gaming Mac

Still interesting. I wonder how much it would cost to get the same parts and the slickest brushed aluminum case available (just for kicks).

Not of interest for myself, but my partner is still in the Mac camp and eyes water when it’s time to upgrade!

In your library there is a filter to show only Mac games. It tells you the total, then some quick math. Of course the total includes all the 32 bit games that won’t run any more. Nothing too shocking there, but some games, like Endless Space 2, were kind of surprising.

If Apple ever did make a machine like this, much like the Mac Pro, it’s not for you guys. It will always be ridiculously expensive on a spec by spec basis. There are a lot of people out there that really like Mac hardware and are willing to pay those prices even if they could get more with a Windows machines.

Tonymacx86 have a list of supported mobo and graphics cards.

They are pretty mainstream and the last time I saw, the guys built Intel 270 chipsets based boards and AMD Cards.

You can plonk in any amount of RAM and drives you want. It’s pretty slick.

I have a old Macbook Pro for work and a Hackintosh desktop. Needless to say I prefer the desktop.

If your friend is in the Mac camp, he or she can look at the guide, pick the parts and see the price. You friend should already have a Mac, which makes making the Installation USB easy. Just pick one of the Golden Builds guide based on a Mobo.

I love working on OSX, too bad Apple are utter pricks. And things have gotten much worse under Tim Cook, he’s just coasting.

Yes, he certainly made it easier for me to switch around 2013. But that’s for another thread, I suppose… Thanks for all the other info!

Added Mac gaming capabilities is appreciated. Sometimes I’ll install the MacOS version of a game out of laziness so that I don’t have to reboot to Windows. I played X-Com 2, Diablo 3 and Life is Strange that way.

There is a weird signing issue with Steam. Some apps like Cities show as 32b, but run fine in Catalina.

Is this the one with Rene Ritchie? It’s at the bottom my podcast queue right now.

Yup. I listen to most podcasts at ~1.5x speed and I had to double check to make sure I hadn’t accidentally adjusted my playback speed back to something slower. It’s kind of awkward listening to it, but he still manages to hold the podcast together. He’s just a little more animated at times, and more easily distracted and scattered throughout the episode.

Given that is his usual state, this really must be something.

Early in the podcast he comes very close to wondering aloud to what extent the Hulk’s penis is affected by his transformation.


Holy cow.

He amazes me. I generally like the man’s work, but he seems to be getting a lot of scratch for not doing much work.

I just want to go on record in this thread as saying this is never, ever going to happen. Apple’s solution for PC gaming is bootcamp.

And from listening to Siracusa getting Windows running a spare drive on his Mac Pro, even that is not optimal. When it takes a technical person like Siracusa 10 hours to get the thing running…

Have you heard Federico’s interview of him? He basically admits he doesn’t know why he’s even doing DF anymore and has no ambitions. To his credit his writing rate picked up after this so I think it led to some introspection. Maybe he was burned out. His podcast behavior didn’t change, though. I think the one with Brent Simmons was the worst in 2019. Yet I keep listening.

I’m very unimpressed with his very public, very stupid support of the fired away CEO.

Yeah, though had he remembered about the Catalina security settings, how much shorter a process would it have been? I kinda lost the thread while listening to that one, so I honestly don’t know what tripped him up the most. Certainly the insistence on an external drive to bootcamp from thing, which is a very much a Siracusan type of quirk.

Well, he makes 9k a week off sponsors, so that’s that. He has said that once he talks about a subject on the show, he gets it out of his system to write about it. It feels most of his long-form writing these days is just reviews of gear Apple sends him.

The Talk Show is one where the quest makes the show. I enjoy when Snell, Siracusa and the like are on. Although, I did enjoy the one with the BBEdit guy.

I think it was the last step and not much effort. it’s actually interesting to me because that is what I’d have to do. I only have a 512 drive in my MBP, and if I wan to run Windows it would be through an external drive. Performance aside, I am not interested in doing that, but this looks like a challenge I am not in the mood for.

The show needs a strong guest willing to jump in, otherwise it just turns in Gubber going off on his little tangents. I can only handle listening to about halfway through most of his shows.

I have been playing with the idea of getting a Thunderbolt SSD for a Bootcamp drive in the future. Seems like it would work well. I always found gaming on my iMac interesting. A game on OSX wouldn’t even get the fans running. The same game running on Bootcamp on that same iMac and the fans would be going full on. Is the Mac side throttling or does it handle heat more efficiently?

I also think long-term, his ability to get an Apple exec on his annual live show hurts more than it helped. Now, once a year there is an expectation from his listeners he will get Phil, Craig, or someone from the leadership page on the hour show. It has to color what he does, because I could see Apple going, “Nice live show you have there, be a shame some year if it really was just Moltz up there.”

It feels like there is some “safe” topic he can go off on, like keyboards. Same with the ATP folks, but they are more in their own little circle.

I feel Jason is generally the hardest working of the bunch (along with Myke Hurley), but Jason’s podcasts are well-produced and edited, his writing is well-done, and he writes his own long-form stuff for a variety of outlets.

I also got a laugh out of one podcast where Gruber admitted he has to rush the podcasts out every month so he can meet the advertiser bookings. That’s how he ends up with like two episodes right at the tail end of the month.