The Assorted "WTF, 2021?" Thread

Just the fact said photo exists could be trouble. It sounds like, from the article, that this was something Kellyanne took without knowledge of her daughter?

Man there is all sorts of wrong there. And you can be damned sure that in Claudia’s emancipation efforts this would weigh heavily in her favor.

laughs in rich, connected parents

I mean, that’s one way to react to child porn, I guess.

Yeah, I was more talking about vile, evil motherfuckers that can be firmly in the rear-view if we just gave them no oxygen.

Was talking to my girlfriend who had some experience dealing with the juvenile court system as part of her social work, and she pointed out how that thing with the Conways is just a big clusterfuck and worse than I had considered at first.

There’s the potential child porn issue, and distributing nude pictures without consent… but since she’s the parent, there are all kinds of child endangerment laws that come into effect as well. The courts are going to need to take into account safety of the child, and all kinds of stuff.

(Click on the tweet to get a translation,)

I don’t see a translation, but my Spanish is rusty enough to come up with him shoving something up the press’s asses? The ministers applauded.

People outside of Brazil wouldn’t know, but every single week we have something of that sort coming from Bolsonaro. He’s like Trump but worse. Way worse.

Impressive considering Brazil speaks Portuguese.

Alright, damn it. Many of the words look the same. No, I don’t speak Portuguese, and my Spanish is 50 years in my rear view mirror now.

de leche condensada I assume is condensed milk? Seems an odd choice of words, I must be missing some context here.

There was some misguided questioning about how much the Executive had spent on food, and condensed milk was the center of all the commotion in social media. Bolsonaro there says something like “You know what all the condensed milk is for? It’s to shove up the press’ asses”.

That’s not close to the worse he’s done. Before he was president, during the impeachment process of president Dilma (who was tortured in the military dictatorship we had in the 70s and 80s), he voted for her impeachment, as he was a congressman at that time. During his speech when voting, he praised one of the main torturers of the military regime, a man responsible for torturing and killing hundreds of Brazilian citizens, and directly or indirectly responsible for Dilma’s torture.

Also, there he’s raging about condensed milk, mere weeks after people in Manaus were dying from COVID because there was not enough oxygen in hospitals. Now get this: when the pandemic started, the tax for importing oxygen was lowered to 0. Later last year, Bolsonaro reverted that, while at the same time lowering taxes for importing weapons.

So yeah, he’s a sociopath, elected by sociopaths. Brazil will take decades to fix all the problems he already caused in the first 2 years of his term. And there are people here applauding him for that.

I’m from the evil colonizer country (no sarcasm), and Greg News on YouTube seems a pretty great show to learn about what’s going on, and, yeah, it’s pretty appaling. Good English subtitles too, even if some of the best jokes don’t really translate well, in case any non-speaker is curious.

In the World of Warships clan I was formerly a part of, one of the main members was a Brazilian. Well, technically; his parents had come there from Germany, and though I believe he was born in Brazil he always talked about how much he hated Brazilians. Thought of himself as, I don’t exactly know, but definitely “better” than average Brazilians. Owns his own business, quite well off. Loves Bolsonaro, has openly said he’s ok with whatever violence is inflected on the people in the favelas and what not because, well, capitalism.

It’s only been two years? Ugh.

Yup. Only goes to show how destroying things is faster and easier than building them.

Brazil does speak Portuguese but that story and the quote are in Spanish.

Portuguese and Spanish are sister languages. It’s not uncommon for a person who knows one of them to be able to almost-understand things written in the other.