The Avengers: Infinity War Spoiler Thread

Hey - my first time venturing outside of the gaming forum. Other places do exist…

Anyway, always waiting until the second weekend for big movies works well in terms of being able to see the movie, but sometimes, it feels like so much longer than a week. Certainly was the case with this movie.

As for my thoughts, most of them have been captured. But I have to disagree with hating on Star Lord. I mean, yes, what he did was selfish and stupid and all that. But Dr. Strange makes it pretty clear that what happened needed to happen for that 1 timeline he saw where they won. That meant Quill had to ruin things. Presumably, in one of the other 6+ million timelines Strange saw, he saw one where that plan worked and they got the Infinity Gauntlet off. Maybe more than one. And yet - they lost. But given that Strange apologized to Stark and said ‘it had to be this way’ just makes me think all is going according to plan, so to speak.

So yes. Quill was selfish and all that. And by being so, he may have inadvertently saved the universe. Or, at least saved it for the 1/2 of the population that is currently ash.

As for perma-deaths, I think Loki and Hemdall are gone, but every other death will be reversed. Of those who survived the Snappening, I think Cap is probably 100% a goner. Iron Man on the high side, but he may make it. I think Thor makes it, as does Hulk. I think the odds are also good for Black Widow. No feelings on Hawkeye since he wasn’t in the movie (but apparently is in 4). I do think we’ll see some more minor characters killed - Nebula being a good candidate. I could see War Machine getting the axe. I think Hank Pym - especially if his work ties in to 4 at all - could be a goner. I also think that if Stark does survive, he will truly be done with Iron Man, possibly handing it off to someone else. So yeah, we’ll lose some people with 4, but I think ultimately it’ll be far, far fewer than if this ending stuck.

Also also, one thing I found interesting with all the, as someone put it, ‘OG Avengers’ surviving the purge, I think this really sets up 4 as transitioning from the ‘old’ Avengers - all seen in the ending scenes - to the new ones next time around.

Also also also, I found it interesting that Stark - who backed the accords - was the only of the original Avengers off by himself, while everyone else was fighting together. Well, OK, he has Nebula there on the planet with him, but you know.

That’s the impression I got too. Of course, on earth, this might also mean that already endangered species, like Pandas, might have half of their population taken away as well.

That’s one way to look at it. The other is that there’s twice as much bamboo for the rest of us.

I understood the half of all life meaning sentient, intelligent life, i.e. Humans and things like Humans.

Other species generally don’t cause these problems. If for a couple of years the wildebeest population is 10% of normal, well fewer lions will be born, and the weaker existing lions will die.

If/when the wildebeest population bounces back, so too does that of lions.

So i doubt very much Thanos has it in for the pandas.

Way to get my hopes up, Rock.

I have not read this thread in order to avoid spoilers, but I have a question!

I didn’t get to see Black Panther due to work scheduling. Should I hold off on seeing this on the big screen? Or can I watch it without seeing BP?


There is very little dependence on Black Panther other than the framing of Wakanda as a major tech superpower.

Yes it is important for location, but the narrative is only lightly relevant. There is literally as much plot relevance in the 60 second post credits stinger as there is in the entire two hour runtime.

Bucky is in Wakanda, hiding from his past. He lost his arm and is playing with children by a lake in a Wakanda. There, you know all you need to know.

Fantastic! Thanks @CraigM! I look forward to seeing it this Wednesday, then.

That said, when you get a chance to see Black Panther you should, it’s really good.

It’s coming out on Blu-Ray in about a week!

Based upon prior movies and comics, I actually thought they underpowered the heroes who had one!!

I saw this again last night. Still great, but I have one criticism, the scene with Thanos and young Gamora. Its a good, important scene, but It’s just sort of dropped in there, it doesn’t fit with the rest of the movie. I think it could have worked better as the opener.

Okay, I just couldn’t make it through this whole thread, but curious as to whether anyone picked this up…

When Dr. Strange told Tony he was looking at all of the possible futures, he said there was only one in which they won.

My son and I figured that was why Strange gave Thanos the stone, in exchange for saving Tony. Strange saw a future where Tony was key to defeating Thanos. So he had to make sure Tony survived.

Given the cost of RDJ, etc. I would expect that Tony will indeed be the key to winning, and will sacrifice himself, leaving behind a pregnant Pepper.

Iron Man 4: Child of Iron Man!

The fact that he pulled the trigger on Gamora couldn’t have been good for his emotional state in that moment.

When asked what’s the last thing Groot says as he’s being derezzed by the Infinity Gauntlet:

Why did you post that? Day was going decent…

Saw it yesterday, impressive cap on 10 years of movies.

You know, when I was growing up in the early 90s as a comic geek, it was rumored that James Cameron was going to make a Spiderman movie. For like 10 years these rumors floated around and we could only imagine what a real Hollywood blockbuster sfx extravaganza would look like. So now, when I see these films…its just sort of mind blowing that its even happening.

My critisisms:

  1. Iron Man’s nano-particle suit suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. He’s basically green lantern now. Just tons of made up weapons coming out of nowhere. And apparently nano particles are infinite because even thought they provide a paper thin, skin tight suit they can make like two dozen missiles every 30 seconds? One of the coolest things about Iron Man in the MCU is how slowly they built up his tech and they kind of just blew the doors off of it and now its magic and everything is possible.

  2. Yet another “tons of cgi creatures attack the heros”. sigh They didn’t even bother to name them or give them an origin this time! One of the characters literally calls them “Space dogs”! Its just so damn lazy, has always been lazy and now the filmmakers just seems to be resigned to it.

  3. Some of the cgi characters were not necessary and would be better as folks in practical makeup. Most of Thanos thugs basically, especially the woman one, she was pretty normal with horns on her head. Star Trek could do that on a weekly tv show.

Definitely not infinite though. Notice, during the battle, how his suit takes damage? Well it’s not damage to those areas, its more that his suit is losing the material needed to self heal. Each hit sloughs off an amount of nano particles, and at some point it doesn’t have enough to maintain structure.

I definitely agree, I even thought the Iron Man 3 suit was a little much. It’s a lot more interesting when it’s more grounded.

The nanites aren’t infinite, though. During Tony’s final faceoff with Thanos the suit is depleted enough that you can see elements of it redistribute around his body to try and maintain protection. I appreciated that touch, at least.