The Biden Won & it's OVER, Deep dish pizza is delicious, & Gilmore Girls is awesome thread

Yep, I was about that age when I was in a campground with my parents. I went to the camp restroom and as I was walking back to our camp, a bunch of kids gathered around me and started yelling racist crap at me.

It still pisses me off that right on this board, we have people that think it’s totally okay to have racist jokes in TV shows:

That’s exactly the kind of shit that results in what @Nesrie is describing. But hey, as long as the white man gets to have a laugh, I’m sure it’s all worth it.

Did anyone standup on this board to be counted as saying racism is bad, no. I had several people attack me for saying that racism on TV should get called out.

Exactly this. That’s one of the most disturbing parts of Trumpism for minorities. It used to be that people might think this stuff, but we had gotten to the point where they wouldn’t say it explicitly. Now it’s back in the open.

While you might say, what’s the difference between people thinking it vs. saying it. I can tell you as a minority that has on multiple occasions had random racists get in my face and spout at me (mostly back in the 60s and 70s) it makes a big difference.