The Bird Thread (That is Interesting)

Scooby had a few words and phrases. One day I was coming into the living room from the bedroom. I banged my arm into the china cabinet.

Loud and clear Scoob said, “Uh oh!” She sounded just like my wife.

Beaker has been known to bite me, say “Ow!” and then say “Sorry…”

Thing is, I’m pretty sure he’s not actually sorry. ;)

Or maybe he is trolling you. Can birds troll their owners?

They bite you to hear you scream. So not sorry and yes troll. :)

Beaker has this game he likes to play where he “bathes” in his water dish (bathes is in quotes here because he gets most of it on the floor and almost none on himself) until it’s practically empty, and then calls out “Want some water?” to alert me that his water dish is empty. I usually know this already because I can hear him splashing around in there. But I go in there, refill his water dish, leave the room again and then mere minutes later… he’s splashing around in there again, followed by… “Want some water?”

Yeah, he’s definitely trolling. ;)

That’s precious!

My girlfriend has a ring necked dove that is currently around 22 years old, which is apparently crazy old for a done. According to the internet, their normal lifespan is only 12-15 years.

He’s a hilarious bird, too. He likes to take rosemary sprigs, hold them in his beak. Then he holds his wing up, and lays the sprig over his wing. And then he uses this like a jousting Lance, and will charge things. Sometimes he’ll charge you of you reach into his cage, and stab you with the sprig (and then laugh at you), but mostly he will joust with his own reflection in the mirror.

Pinkerton likes to push things off the desktop. What things? ALL things. And he stands around afterward looking proud of himself.

Hah, that’s great. My conure used to use “tools”, but primarily for scratching herself. The pellet brand I buy has some banana shaped pellets in it, and she liked using those to scratch her head. Her other favorite scratching device was her own feathers. Like, if she happened to lose a wing feather during a moult, she’d pick it up and use the shaft end to scratch her head, hehe.

Dude. Check again. I think you have a cat. :)

There’s a cockatoo called Harley that seems to have an entire Youtube channel of his antics. Many of them are of him just knocking things over. Especially stacks of cups. He always looks quite pleased with himself, though I think cockatoos in general just always look pleased with themselves, hehe.

I love that video.

So cockatoo too. Forever 2-3 year-old behavior. I really do think they revel in the behavior sometimes. “Hah! It’s pissing them off!”

Posted this in the video thread but maybe you guys will enjoy it.

I have a feeder, but never more than 3 hummingbirds in the general vicinity. They constantly fight too.

I love hummingbirds. I just took my feeder in today and put it away for the season… the hummers here (New England) leave in October and we won’t see them again until April. One thing I definitely miss about living in Seattle was having hummingbirds all year round.

Yeah, hummingbirds do not like to share, at least none I’ve ever had at my feeder, hehe. I’m always amazed when I see videos like the one above where multiple hummers are sharing contentedly.

Please stop putting cocaine in the feeder. It makes the birds… crazy.

Last night (for me on the east coast) I turned this on and there were regularly more than dozen hummingbirds on that stream.

I have one of these doodads for handfeeding hummingbirds. It requires a lot of patience, but my hummingbirds are somewhat used to me, and I’ve managed to have a few come for a drink from it in my hand. I don’t do it terribly often (because as I said, it requires a lot of patience, and sometimes I have things to do!) but it’s always a thrill when they come. I love how their wings sound like lightsabers as they’re buzzing by my ear. :D

My doves finally made friends. Two eggs.