The Black Lives Matter movement

How can you sit there and say the only thing they need to do is follow the cops orders and they’ll be fine. Are you blind?

Did you miss the incident of the guy lying on the ground with his hands up?

Did you miss the one where they came and started beating this other man… who is a cop? You think a cop doesn’t know what he should do? There are several of these

this is a cop ^

And don’t forget the women

But hey, don’t let reality get in the way your narrative.

This happens sometimes in certain threads. I’ve been there. It’s best to leave it be.

This is so frustrating. NO ONE should have their life put at risk if you follow the police officers direction. That should be given. @Scuzz, you agree that if a police officer gives you a lawful order, you should be okay from harm right?
Now, what if that was no longer the case. What if you were no longer certain that you would be okay if you followed the police officers orders. What would your next step be? How would you react?

The problem is that there is no accountability for the cops who misbehave. They just get put right back out on the street.

It’s like the “not all men” response to catcalling and street harassment. Yes for fucks sake not all men are terrible people pieces of garbage. But enough of them are terrible pieces of garbage that women don’t have the luxury to wait to find out.

And for policing of black men, more importantly is the fact that those awful police aren’t fucking held account by their peers! So not only do black men have to fear for their lives because of potentially running across a “bad apple”, they don’t have any reason to believe that the “good” ones will have their back and defend them from the “bad apples”.

The Blue Wall of Silence is one of the worst things about American police, really.

At this point, for things to change it might take jurors refusing to convict cop killers, saying that they believed it was self-defense.

I totally agree. In that respect the good cops are shielding the bad ones.

What percentage of arrests do you think end in the cop killing someone? I would think that would be a pretty small number. Now, do you base all your life’s decision on such a small percentage happening. If you did you would never get in a car, eat a cheeseburger or have sex. I don’t mean to trivialize it, I know it happens more than it should happen, but it is a very small percentage of the whole.

So, it okay because it only a few people?

Is the distinction being made between saying “if you find yourself in this situation, the best course of action is…” and “it’s okay that this situation happens”?

Show me where I wrote that?

Right here.

Did you miss the part where I never said it didn’t happen?

I never said cops were angels or that bad things didn’t happen to black people.


Wanna play Russian roulette with a cop, fine.

Maybe you should read my posts and not just hand pick a line from one of them. Nice job.

I am done with you.

You are so right. I am done here.

You pretty much hit it on the head. It’s not okay.

The best course of action should be to follow the lawful orders of the cop. It should be simple, and in a stressful situation, simple is best, because stressful situations cause people not to think carefully about their actions.

But once it became know that following orders could still get you killed… well, how do you not panic when you see the cops?

If you were done telling everyone you’re done, try reading again. They’re playing Russian roulette by being guilty of being black. It’s a role of the dice already. You’re defense of that amazes me because you certainly are trivializing the situation to the point of dismissing human life as if it’s nothing.

As a person of color who is not black, I would feel comfortable following the directions of a police officer. To my knowledge there has not been an abnormal rate of Asians being abused by law enforcement. But if a black man asked for my advice on what to do in the event of a confrontation with police, my answer would be something along the lines of “if it were me, I’d do whatever I could to deescalate, including compliance” because I have no idea what it’s like to be a black man in a contentious situation with cops. Or, put another way, the only truth I could advise is that, statistically, you’ll probably be alright. Not exactly reassuring.

In other news:

Not a trial but murder charges have been dropped due to lack of evidence.

And a developing story involving two cops shot this morning:

“We had one individual who was just deadlocked that he wasn’t changing, yet we had five individuals who were undecided,” Dorsey Montgomery II said Thursday on TODAY.

It’s hard to imagine being undecided after reviewing what evidence I’ve seen. But what do I know?

“Due to the society that we live in, race will always be a factor,” he said, but added that he did not believe race played into the decision for “the majority” of the jurors.

Asked about why the lone juror refused to budge about a not guilty verdict, Montgomery would not elaborate.

“He just had his own convictions, and I’ll leave that right there,” he said.

Had Slager been former military, he might not have been so quick to use deadly force. Of course, that can get you in trouble, too.