The Black Lives Matter movement

I understand where he is coming from. But it still a bit like dropping #AllLivesMatter into a discussion of a specific black man’s death at the hands of the police, again.

So what did you mean by the “gun crowd”. Is that a leftist dog whistle that I need to research? :)

There are gun owners on the left you know. They aren’t all nuts.

I know there are plenty of responsible gun owners out there. I’m talking about the gun owners that think gun ownership is the most important right as a US citizen, unless that citizen isn’t white. And the ones that have fully bought into the NRA propaganda machine, etc. And there are plenty. And also the ones that think this kid is in the right:

So which one in that picture is the responsible one?

That’s Charlottesville.

Could be anywhere they have civil war re-enactments nowadays.

That’s not an opinion. That specific white supremacist was kicked out of his private school. That IS Charlottesville.

Everyone in our country should be giving that kid the finger. He gets to have freedom of speech, but we all likewise get to tell him just what we think about his speech. Hopefully that makes it more clear who I think is the responsible one in that picture.

So it is Charlottesville. So…

Oh right… good people on both sides. I forgot the playbook line.

My point being it is a picture that could have been pulled off many places of the internet. The mere fact it is Charlottesville somehow makes it better/worse or more meaningful. On it’s own that picture means nothing, say it’s Charlottesville and it become a meme.

That picture is showcasing white supremacy and you want to know which one is responsible. Civil War… give me a break.

You know Nesrie, I like you, I really do, but you do go off on your own little tangents sometimes.

The subject was gun control and he puts up that picture. Why?

Because Nazi’s and racists own guns? Because Charlottesville? because of the civil War?

No, he changed the subject. You want to change the subject. Have fun changing the subject.

You’re the one pretending like you don’t know that;s a protester. How many Civil War re-enactments do you think draws protesters, in plain clothes, to stand in front of a guy not in actual war garb, flipping them off. I don’t know why he picked that picture, but your reaction to it is certainly ridiculous.

but yeah, your default, it’s all me and not at all your feigned ignorance.

I said the gun crowd is extremely racist. And you pretended not to know what I was talking about, so I pointed out that I’m specifically speaking about gun owners that think that kid is right. But you know that, you’re just arguing to argue for some reason. And now you pretend you don’t know about Charlottesville, etc. No point in continuing this.

it’s not even enough to to pretend he doesn’t know. When I call him on it, once again Scuzz tries to paint it as some sort of personal flaw of mine.

I didn’t know that was Charlottesville. Why would I?

And why when you are discussing gun nuts would you pick that picture? I still don’t get that. Use a picture of some Texas idiot walking around with weapons. Why that picture?

And I never said I didn’t know about Charlotteseville, but I haven’t seen every picture come out of there. That picture just reminds me of the one from about 1968 of the hippie putting flowers in the national guardsmens rifles. Now those guys were gun nuts, just ask the kids at Kent State.

Yup Nesrie, it’s you, not me. It’s never me and it never will be.

But you reacted to his photo which sent things into a tangent where I had no idea where he was going. Suddenly I am being attacked for something I said to someone else who I just assumed had gone off the deep end.

Ah yeah, no.

I didn’t react to the photo. I reacted to you. I told you what it was, twice, with nothing but facts actually. Then you just sort of shrugged like you STILL couldn’t tell which one was responsible in that photo. Then you do what you always do when you disagree with me, you turn it into a backhanded compliment followed by a character attack. Why the hell do you keep doing that?

Because it is always me doing it. Nothing you ever do instigates any of the disagreements you get into on this forum. It is always me, or the other person. You are always in the right, always understanding everything perfectly, always getting just the right inflection from every word.

Sorry, I have reached full on sarcasm mode. It started with my reaction to the unknown picture and now it has escalated to your replies.

I’m done. Have a nice weekend. I mean that.