The Boys - Superhero Vigilantes with Karl Urban

Nes GOT and rome and Tudors --they were context related and maybe even historically contexted… but a modern show that shows rape and abuse of woman… well, clearly I have already shown I have drawn a line. I do think there may be a difference.

Well see I thought GoT got the masses it did because even though it is fantasy with a historical slant, the kind of material they covered, the plotting, the power struggles… that kind of stuff transcends periods. It could’ve taken place in space and maybe got a similar response.

I like Karl Urban, enjoy Super Heroes, since I watched these other shows, including Black Sails, I can certainly enjoy shocking violence, gore to some extent, and sexual encounters that shift from pure ridiculous bodice ripping fantasy to something pretty awful… but this, i mean even the name seems like it might just not be my cup of tea… i mean the throwaway hamster sentence alone might suggest I should hard pass this.

The character in question is the small town girl that finally got the thing she has always dreamed of, only to find out it isn’t quite what she expected. There are two separate (and very different) occasions in the first three episodes where her body is exploited against her will. The first being the one discussed here, where a member of the group she has just joined (think the Justice League of America) threatens to get her kicked out if she doesn’t let him have his way. the second involves Elizabeth Shue’s character (effectively her boss) forcing her to wear a skimpier outfit or be fired. She knows these things are wrong, but she tolerates them because of her dream to be part of this wildly popular superhero group. I feel pretty certain she’s going to find a way to fight back at some point, but my wife and I are only three episodes in.

It doesn’t make it better, but it is worth noting she is not the only character being exploited or blackmailed in various ways.

The hamster thing upthread is never mentioned in the show. As mentioned, it’s apparently significantly toned down from the books.

Hmmm, questionable source material huh. Well it seems to have stimulated a discussion here for those who like and are wary of the show. Maybe i’ll wait a couple of seasons and see how others like it. It’s unlikely I will be ditching Amazon any time soon, and it’s pretty easy to catch-up on originals from the streamers.

Thank you for clarifying.

Misguided without watching the show … and I appreciate your explanations in detail … it always seems like there is some reason why a women is mistreated . Whether its content or historical or plot or just plain “its her fault” … Now you all know I am going to have to watch this goofy show just to see if I am wrong.

Oh btw I actually did like the “Picard” trailor ! Wow!

(sigh now I am “that girl” that complains about stuff)

I don’t think that’s the case. It’s a valid concern. I had the same reaction when i started reading about this show, but I also know nothing about the source material. It’s just, I feel like i have been watching some of the most shocking shows, even though the current shows have certainly pushed boundaries long past what the ones that sort of started this whole thing did.

I think it is called The Boys kinda ironically and because Urban plays english/new zealand (I honestly can’t tell) character who at one point in the show says “me and the boys” :) eventhough by the end of the season there kinda are two women in the team (or helping out, kinda, it is complicated)

I bet it’s complicated, especially with two women on the team at the end. Now you have made me want to watch this damn thing! Grrr,

I’ve read a little bit about those two. I’ve also read this is an anti-superhereo take and that the source might not like what happened to comics due to superheroes. I have no idea what that’s about, but I see no reason why I can’t love superheroes and still like something anti-superhero.

Well if you do wind up watching it, I hope to see your take on it.

Agreed, I like both too.

Btw if anyone has liked Banshee.
This guy:

is just incredible here. Again, totally fucked up, broken, horrible being, but perfectly acted.

There’s at least one actual superhero in the show, in the traditional sense of doing good.

I am really enjoying it, six episodes in. I don’t remember seeing Erin Moriarty in anything before, other than a small role in Jessica Jones. She’s great in this.

Yeah I love her here. I thought I knew her from somewhere but the only thing I have seen with her in it was Mel Gibson’s Blood Father, which I enjoyed a ton. For some reason I thought she was in Six Feet Under but nope.

I really like Homelander here. He’s a lot different than the comics where he’s mostly just an asshole like everyone else.

And the show is very toned down from the comics, which in a way actually makes it’s point better in a lot of ways. The shit that happens in the comics is so beyond the pale that not even a mega-corp could keep normies from knowing about it, especially since you’re talking thousands of these people.

Here it’s mostly believable levels of corruption and debauchery. You could buy that regular people don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.

Shades of Marshal Law I think. Sounds like they actually need Marshal Law to take out a few of these fucked up heroes.

Watched the first episode and absolutely loved it. Anxious to watch the rest this week!

The coercion/rape scene was uncomfortable but acted well in service of showing you how assholish these guys are. I can see how it could bother some people, though. As mentioned upthread, the actual event is offscreen, the setup is onscreen.

For whatever it’s worth The Mary Sue reviewer liked it.

Ok, that was a great season of TV. We ended up spending our entire Sunday watching it. Kind of embarassing, really. No spoilers but uh… talk about a cliffhanger ending. I might actually be frustrated but someone told me it’s already been picked up for a second season so I guess that’s ok.