The Boys - Superhero Vigilantes with Karl Urban

Nah, they’re low hanging fruit.

I like the comic despite that stuff, not because of it.

Worth noting that a big part of the point of the comic is that The Boys are not the good guys. The supers are corrupt as fuck and doing horrible things without any sort of restraining force, but just because they need to be reined in does not make the people doing it pure of heart or motivated by the public good primarily. Butcher especially is not a good person. But basically nobody but Wee Hughie and his counterpart on the super side are. And they’re not in positions where it’s easy to listen to the better aspects of themselves.

Butcher always struck me as exactly the kind of guy whose job it would be to brutalize superheroes. He’s pretty awful, but he’s also a mass-murderer, so you’d expect him to be fairly awful.

Sure, but it isn’t like even Hughie could be called innocent, 3 episodes in. And the person he killed hadn’t done anything overtly awful on screen, aside from being a pervert

Well that’s why I say they’re not in positions where it’s easy to listen to the better aspects of themselves. I think Hughie is fundamentally a good person wanting to do the right thing. But he’s hurting, and he’s around a lot of very bad influences.

Watched a youtube synopsis of some of the comic stuff… wow this stuff is really perverted hilarious… particularly if they do the batman guy. The tv series is pretty good, entertaining but definitely not for kids. The airplane episode is so evil but it does remind the audience ‘superheroes’ are just as dumb and evil as humans. Not too suprised its the same writer who did Preacher.

At least edgelord Ennis is much better than edgelord Millar.

I disagree with the “Edgelord” epithet. “Edgelord” implies that he’s trolling for no purpose other than to annoy people. The Boys has a satiric purpose: take our current media landscape, corporate capitalist political and economic conditions, and add a couple hundred-thousand people with superpowers. It may not be a purpose you care about, but he does have a point of view.

IMO, it’s mostly pretty sharp. It doesn’t always work…the X-Men arc is an example of where it falls flat for me. But I do think he hits more than he misses.

Was this posted here?

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If you have a library card with Hoopla, the full run of digital TPBs is free on there as well.

Getting back to the show… Binged it all today. Excellent stuff. In general, you don’t know what to expect, who will survive etc.

We watched another three episodes last night, and I’m still digging it. I haven’t read the books, and while Butcher’s character in the show is certainly obsessive, anti-super (for somewhat understandable reasons) and somewhat amoral, he’s definitely not as bad as referred to upthread- there’s been no mention of any mass-murder, and certainly no dog. That said, I have a couple episodes left…

Oh agreed I am sure. I want more rape by superhero to be a common TV theme. By all means. I figure I will just take your advice and just skip this series. You boys that watch that violence towards woman just 'splain that as you watch.

When you see my post sometime tomorrow just know that I don’t take it easy that you think rape by superhero as a “just lay back and see.”

I can’t wait to see your comment back. Maybe its “I should just be more adult?”

This is not a common TV series. It is a very specific TV series based on a specific comics that, from what you post, simply isn’t intended for you. Which is not a bad thing, not everything is intended for everyone. It’s not about “wanting superhero rape” to be a “common TV theme”.

And just to be clear, this has nothing to do with anyone’s gender or age. E.g. my girlfriend loved the show too, even with the depravity it contains.

You know the show clearly better than I do, I will just avoid it. Your “gf” makes it all seem like I am just being difficult. I am sure I am terribly wrong and you are super right about it.

(lol “my girlfriend” – you know I bet if she saw superheroes raping people in a tv show she might ask you what you are watching)

And just because you have posted here for a thousand years Paul don’t think that I won’t call that out.

I apologize if I offended you. But it’s not cool to imply my GF does not exist. She not only loved The Boys, she also loves Kick Ass, for many of the same reasons.

You can call out whatever you want. But just so you are not under some mistaken assumptions here:

The rape on this show is not shown on screen, and the show does not in any way celebrate it. It is not “let’s revel in rape you boys!!” kind of thing at all. Portrayal of fucked up things fucked up people do does not equal endorsement.

Well crap, I was hoping for more argument and then you posted nice. Sry Paul if I took offense, I never imagined you endorsed any “rape” – I apologize myself.

When I fail to resist speaking my mind I somehow think I fail to resist. Sry again.

So I like Superheroes. I enjoyed Game of Thrones, Rome… The Tudors… all shows with varying degrees of violence and sex… butt hamsters up the but. rape as a gag… Are there any women that participate on the site that enjoy this show. It seems like I might like the show, but scenes like that for a gag doesn’t sound appealing, unless I misunderstand the nature of this series.

No harm, no foul, no worries :)

If you ever do watch this, I will be curious to know what you think.

I…did not take that as a gag. When the guy showed his dick (again, offscreen) I was like “WTF, this guy is a fucking asshole”. I doubt anyone morally centered would laugh at that scene. I hope.

Hey, all the non-consensual sex in the show isn’t that one-sided. There’s at least one mortal-on-supe moment.

I’m not saying the show is exactly nuanced or subtle. But as it goes on, it does try to give all its characters more than 1 dimension.

Edit to add: having read the couple posts since I started writing that. Yeah, rape is not played as gag. Now, the implied human-on-dolphin sexual relationship is definitely played as a gag.