The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

She thinks she’s a misc witch from another coven. Also one that worked with her dad for a bit.

The original comic. In the comic, Hilda is tall and lean, very serious, and sort of head-of-household type. Zelda is short, plump, and more relaxed and funny. The roles seemed reversed in the ‘90s show and here too. (I have a hunch they were based on the show rather than the comic.)

It sounds like you mean the original Sabrina comics, and not the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina comic that the show is based on.

I’m watching the Lupercalia episode right now, and it always amuses me that in these shows these kids who are supposed to be 17 in 2019 have 1980’s hits like Duran Duran’s Hungry Like the Wolf playing (although I get the thematic relevance of that song in particular).

Other than a few modernisms (a stray modern laptop here, a smartphone there) the show goes out of its way to create a world that seems to exist outside of time. If you’ve been watching and not noticed the older-looking buildings and decor, the cars and vehicles, etc…

Do you know how many 80s radio stations there are? All of them, my friend, all of them.

Then again, what teenager in 2019 listens to the radio?

Yes. That’s why I stated “the original comic.” :)

I read some of The Chilling Adventures but not enough or as frequently for it to have the same impact on me as the original. In any event, Hilda & Zelda are swapped from canon for reasons that I’ve never heard explained in both the ‘90s series and in the Chilling Adventures propertied.

Well, in the context of the show, “the original comic” could just as easily be Chilling Adventures. Just wanted to disambiguate.

Just started P2 last night. Enjoyed the 1st episode.

That’s true. It’s a bit like Gotham in that way, what with 1970’s cars and mid-1990’s cell phones.

Started to watch Season 2 last night. Had to stop halfway through the first episode, as my eyes began to hurt from rolling so hard.

Not enjoying the ham-handed stabs at gender issues, and that seems to be the main theme/conflict so far. I may skip ahead a bit to see if it improves.

To me, it hand a roughly constant level of eye-rolling throughout, ramping up a lot in the last episode.

It gets so much worse. I recommend hate-watching it through so I can have some company ;)

I’m love watching it and so far soooo good. One episode left to go, but I like where this is going.

I had to stop ep 2 while Sabrina was on her (1st?) quest to fulfill the Dark Lord’s request. Just so painful to watch in the store.

May try again soon to get through it.

What are you disliking about the show? I feel like I’m completely blind to all the problems people have with this show! You’re all acting like it’s as bad as Pretty Little Liars or something!

I’ll chime in to say that I really don’t have the problems with it that a lot of folks seem to. I see what you’re saying about the somewhat ham-handed gender role stuff, but after the episode with the basketball tryouts it really didn’t bother me. Overall I think it is a perfectly fine show.

I think a lot of the people that liked the show are done watching it already. I certainly don’t think the handful of naysayers in this thread are representative of the wider opinion. I don’t really get the distaste either but different strokes etc.

Not disliking it, just (It’s painful to watch Sabrina trying to steal a pack of gum. I’ll get through it, but it’s painful to watch!).

I actually like the show and the start to P2. Just finding that scene painful to get through.

Somehow I must have missed the revelation about Prudence Night. Is she supposed to be Blackwood’s love child or something? Watching the episode called Blackwood right now.