The coming tide of deepfakes

It’s a damn shame this isn’t real.

I’m only slightly disappointed that the doll towards the end didn’t also have his face.

The internet just fulfilled its destiny.

That was great, but damn of these aren’t getting creepy good. I only imagine what an intelligence service can do with this. If 2020 isn’t going to be the total shit show, 2024 almost certainly will be.

So remember that Bosstown Dynamics robot parody video a few weeks back?

Same people

I highly recommend watching all of the first video, as it breaks down what is possible, how they did things, what the limits are, and how to improve them.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t find these very convincing at all. Sure, they can replace the face, but everything else is wrong-- the size and shape of the head, the body, and just the way they move and emote. At best they look like someone wearing a really good Halloween mask.

Existing Ron Swanson footage mapped onto Full House footage is impressive that it works as well as it does.

I think the concern is that someone actually determined to truly mislead could go to greater lengths recording their own footage with an actor who’s already a closer match for their target, and then the seams are a lot less visible when they map the face on.

They can fake the Bakersfield Massacre and then deepfake the stuntman being killed by Captain Freedom

I was just coming to post this!! Damn you, @playingwithknives

Well, it doesn’t help that they often do absurd things. I’m not fooled into thinking Ron Swanson is a little girl in Full House. My thinking is that if this is what goofs can do on YouTube for the lulz, a dedicated intelligence service with some funding could probably make some really effective videos.

And I only watched The Running Man last week for the first time since I was a kid. That scene came on and I was like ‘That’s a reality now!’

@Zylon I agree, at least with those you’re referring to. Ctrl Shift Face has done some of the best ones I’ve seen. His latest, coincidentally, is Tom Cruise in American Psycho. NSFW! It’s not quite there still but it’s mightily impressive. I think that’s the first video he’s done that deepfakes the voice too.

It’s interesting that if there aren’t enough references from a certain angle it appears to revert somewhat to Nicholson’s face (like around the 1:00 mark).

The Full House intro looks like a Ron Swanson equivalent of an Aphex Twin video!

If you look at the credits down below they say, “Special Thanks to: Evan Ferrante aka Not Tom Cruise” who it turns out is a Tom Cruise impersonator, so I don’t think they faked the voice, just had him do it.

Ohhh, good catch! I’ve been watching videos on deepfaking voices so it didn’t seem too outlandish to assume the voice wasn’t real! Thanks for the correction.

All they really need to be able to do is to trick some Facebook-combing grandmas.

All of these are also done using footage that’s very unforgiving, shot straight on with full lighting. You could do a deep fake, reduce the resolution, mess with the lighting a bit, and those seams could become a lot more difficult to spot. If you want to do a convincing fake of someone saying or doing something reprehensible, it’s going to be shitty cellphone quality video to add to the “gotcha” angle.

And like Clay alluded to, all you have to do is convince a bunch of people who are already extremely gullible.

It’s incredible and scary.

and we’re about to roll out facial recognition as part of our security checks for online meetings.

my wife pointed out how groomers will abuse this too.

What does getting a haircut have to do with facial recognition?