The decline of Facebook and the chilling effect of social media


Note: There are other options. Not wasting your time is one of several. With all due respect.

Itā€™s easy to call people out, as Tomā€™s post (and my groupie Wumpus) does, but itā€™s proving hard for people to offer actual solutions to this problem. I see Facebook and Twitter as total cesspools full of stupid commentary and propaganda, and many posters here frequently re-post Facebook commentaries they see that are particularly dumb or biased. Seems like the solution is obvious: Discount those sources. Indeed, you are proving with your most recent post you are more than capable of doing that on this very board!

The difficulty of ā€œsolvingā€ the problem is immaterial to the fact that you are, inexplicably, attempting to minimize the fact that a foreign power has directly attacked our nation in this way.

At some point, you are going to have deal with the realization that you have, personally, done harm to your own nation. You are going to be ashamed of yourself.

This very shame is going to push you further and further, trying to deny it. But eventually the dam will fail, and the longer you have worked towards these ends, the deeper and more profound your shame is going to be.

By that same logic, domestic organizations are attacking our nation, too. We might even call MSNBC domestic terrorists. What are you doing about that? What should the government do?

No, MSMBC is not Russia.

You are continuing to shame yourself.

Iā€™m not saying this to score points on some internet scoreboard.

Iā€™m giving you a very serious warning to try and save you from what i can only imagine is going to be psychologically devastating at some point in the future.

I, personally, see you as the problem.

Edit: You here. And your ilk in general.

But if Russia ā€œattackedā€ us by spreading misinformation, isnā€™t a domestic group that spreads misinformation simply committing a domestic attack, i.e. treason? There are hundreds of thousands of domestic groups on Facebook that traffic in deliberate deceit. Thereā€™s many more liars and trolls who arenā€™t even paid for it. If we are calling out Russia for an act of war for doing that, why arenā€™t these traitors rounded up?

It seems, again, the simpler solution is to discount unreliable sources.

Again, you.


Russia is a hostile foreign power, intent on damaging our country.

And you are helping them.

Youā€™re giving him way too much credit. He is doing what he does with purpose. He is enjoying this. He has no conscience to be tweaked.

I donā€™t think so.

I think that heā€™s making a mistake, and at some point, heā€™s going to recognize it, and itā€™s going to be a bad scene.

Again, you seem to have the ability to discount unreliable sources. Why do you not think others have that ability to see through bogus unverified Facebook stories? Do you rely on random people on Facebook and Twitter for news? I doubt it, given how skeptical you are here of my posts.

As for all the personal comments about me, I appreciate the concern, but I continue to believe that the best way to learn is to confront opposing viewpoints. I highly doubt my views will remain exactly the same in five years. If I find it enjoyable, I donā€™t think thatā€™s a negative. The thing that isnā€™t enjoyable is all the snark about my private life, which occasionally is not well-intentioned.

But, again, you are acting to assist a hostile foreign power in its attempts to cause irreparable harm to your country.

As you are the definition of an unreliable source, why should I believe anything you say?

Edit: Never mind. Consider that a rhetorical question. I already know the answer.

What if I told you Russiaā€™s main goal was to sow distrust of our media and fellow citizens, and encourage the kind of paranoia and division we are seeing on this board? It seems the best response to that goal is not to silence critics, or increase censorship, or panic (good lord, Iā€™ve even gotten messages asking me if Iā€™m a paid agitator here), but rather to support reliable, legitimate news outlets and discount less reliable ones.

I have no doubt that you are a paid agitator. Paid by whom is a great question though. Right-wing media? Russia? Nazis? Could be anyone, but I donā€™t think the wellbeing of the USA is one of their, or your, goals.

Tools gotta be wielded by someone else, after all.

What if I told you that I saw this same shit in the early 70s in the anti-war movement? Nothing new under the sun, shill. Youā€™re not even good at it.

Iā€™m curious, do you indicate your attachment to that paid right wing extremist org writer gig on your Facebook profile? If not, why not?

Youā€™ve already ā€œlost friendsā€ over being a paid writer for a prominent right wing extremist organization. Youā€™re so ashamed of what you do for a living that you can no longer talk about it in public, or reveal who you are. No wonder you barely use Facebook, because if people found out who you are, theyā€™d disavow any connection with you.

Either make better life choices, or be a man and accept the consequences of your public actions. Hiding who you are, and what you are, just makes you small.

To be clear, any friends Iā€™ve lost because of my political beliefs were not great friends. People who get that upset about people who disagree with them have maturity problems. (Based on your posts, you certainly seem to fall into that category)