The decline of Facebook and the chilling effect of social media

I think a ton of us fall into that same trap. i don’t really see a solution around it that perhaps one or two big companies being litigated for it, and -maybe- that will see some slight change for the future. Maybe.

Beyond that though, we should hook you up with an indoor HDTV antenna, Nesrie! You just mount them on a wall, they are tiny. Sure, they aren’t as good as something on your roof, but they are a ton better than the old rabbit ears days.

I’ve tried 3!

When I was in the main city, the antenna’s were great, easy and cheap. I had one for each TV, no problem. Since I’ve been here, I think the hills might be in the way… Short of dragging a 50 foot cord through the house to get to the otherside, pool side, I think I have go rooftop.I don’t like heights, and I fear drilling through things… probably black widows in that attic too.

I tried RCA, Mohu and… some generic I can’t remember. I should be 30 miles or so to most those towers and fifty to the one furthest south. The only thing I get here with these indoors is some weird Christian station 3 times… not even sure where that one is.

That sucks, Nesrie, seriously. I put mine up and got 20+ channels and I live 20 miles from the city. It might indeed be hills or elevation related, so you’re back to your issue of getting on the roof. :(

The funny thing is, as a teenage I helped, read was forced, to help reroof the old farm house my parents lived in… took days and it was hot. The idea of getting on the roof now really bothers me, but not only that, making sure any holes I put up there and in the attic, it seems daunting when the logical part of my brain says it’s really not as difficult as I am making it in my head. It’s a new roof. Put in three years ago so I shouldn’t run into anything too challenging up there.

Anyway, for someone who only streams, I’ve never seen any of the local affiliate broadcast channels put out anything but news, local events and sometimes little fun giveaways, sales… that sort of thing. Faceboook has that at the moment.

As long as they sites are free and their real customer are the advertisers and the product are the users, there’s a… I guess a morale dilemma there. I don’t know they can reach the right decision. I think you have to regulate that. The fact these online eco systems are huge and border less just means their mistakes have huge consequences and even regulation is… challenging.

I think Facebook is generally a terrible way to get information because it doesn’t show you everything you subscribe to. It shows you what it thinks you should see. And it’s also extremely now-centric with very little concession made to the idea that you might ever want to look at anything posted in the past. (Aside from their dumbass algorithmically generated “shared memories” shit, which, again, is them showing you what they think you should want to revisit instead of letting you decide.)

I don’t think it’s Facebook that’s the cause though, it’s just the medium. How do you think some other medium is going to fix something like this:

Okay so whose fault is it that the title in the Google search is completely misleading if not outright wrong. NPR, Google… I think NPR chose that right, making it seem like CA is doing the action here when it’s Uber choosing not to renew. So how is any platform going to fix that?

Did you mean to reply to me? because I don’t see how your post has anything to do with mine.

I know, right?! I don’t even like rice pudding!

I have no clue, but I’m assuming Google scrapes those headlines and once done, caches the copy for quick linking off of Google news and/or searches. It very well could have had the headline changed in the meantime.

I’m sure they could absolutely change it on the fly, but (against everything we are hearing about evil organizations that push their own agenda) I’m inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was not intentional.

I know, I’m gullible.

I didn’t reply to you. I replied to the topic. You see how there is no quote and no arrow… that means that post is not a reply to anyone specific. That’s how Discourse works. see here, now you see the arrow because I am replying to you.

My point is though, even if you can clean up the medium, assuming somehow we’ll wind up with something better… which I am skeptical about because same rules, new provider, just means they get better at hiding it… I mean Facebook didn’t tell anyone this even happened, they were ratted out… but part of the problem remains the content itself. Facebook can potentially limit the content but when the NPR is part of the problem, then NPR needs to be part of the solution.

Actually, if you reply to the last post, there is no arrow. For instance, I am replying directly to you.

It is a special feature of Discourse.

I didn’t reply to the last post. I hit reply at the bottom of the Topic. Grey button.

Right, but there is no way to tell that. For instance there is no way to tell whether I hit the bottom button or replied directly to you, AFAIK.

When I hit a reply on your post, I see a arrow with your name on it. When I hit the bottom reply… there is no arrow.

If it notifies you the same way, well talk to wumpus about it.

You did, though - I got a notification that you replied to me. It doesn’t do the arrow if the post you’re replying to is directly above yours. I suspect you just hit the reply button on my post instead of the one on the thread itself. Anyway, mystery solved. Carry on.

Only if the post you replied to is not immediately preceding.

All of my replies to you have been direct replies to you (I haven’t used the bottom button yet), but only this one has an arrow because there was an intervening post.

Topic reply



Last post reply. I have no control if it notifies the same way.

The point is that they look the same to everyone else, unless there is an intervening post. For instance, can you tell which method I used to reply to you?


I’ve been getting the same symptom for a few days now in any thread I’ve posted to -recently-. As if every reply to the thread is replying to me directly, and I get a notification.