The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

Up next? Illinois Nazis!

As long as he doesn’t diddle kids, he’s a shoo-in.

If he does diddle kids, his chances plummet to ~70%.

What is it with people that wear fedoras?


Nah, he’s in my district.

That guy can get fucked, and he won’t win. Last election the GOP candidate held the post election party at a pizza joint nearby, and his official website had that announcement as one of its most prominent portions, even more so than the (non existant) platform portion.

So even that guy knew he would lose, and barely tried. This guy will get smoked, especially with the state party not backing him (for now)

Is the reason he’s running unopposed because the district is a safe Dem seat?

Sorry. You are invited to punch me over the internet for conflating Illinois and Alabama.

Yes pretty much. It’s not uncommon for the state GOP to not put any resources into that particular race. Much better to pick on the someone to push for the 6th next door, a district that leans R, but can easily be flipped D.

My god, that fake magazine cover represents about 72% of internet comments. Amazing.

Another hypocritical Republican that preyed on children? Color me not surprised, Scott Baio.

Scandal du jour: Republican Congressman under investigation for spending $1300 on video games.

… From his campaign funds, that is. As well as "oral surgery, jewelry from Italy and, most memorably, $600 to fly a pet rabbit across the country. "

Hunter in early 2016 brought in an outside law firm to do an independent audit going back to the date that Margaret Hunter received her campaign credit card. Hunter was expecting that the audit would turn up $20,000 in campaign expenses he would have to repay and was shocked when the firm found more than $60,000, according to one former aide. He told close associates it was his wife’s fault.

Of course! She’s just your wife and running your campaign office. You can’t possibly be expected to know about or influence what she does. Meanwhile,

Around that time, Hunter hired a young woman whom investigators have inquired about during their probe, sources familiar with the questioning said. Hunter promoted her from intern to full-time, a decision that perplexed staffers who said she frequently failed to show up for work and was hostile to co-workers…

Former staffers to Hunter said the atmosphere grew toxic because of the woman, who would text with Hunter and sometimes accompany him to the Capitol Hill Club. Multiple aides complained about her attire, saying it was inappropriate for a work environment. Two aides kept a tally of how many days of work she had missed

Well, the Gamergate wing of the alt-right will love him for that.

Family Values crowd silent on wife-beaters:

Self-described “values” champions have put women and girls (including one who alleges that Moore molested her when she was 14) on the back burner. They’ve jettisoned any pretense to be vanguards of the culture for the sake of access to the president and influence in picking judges. The notion that they are there to protect women — “sacred” women, as Kelly once said — is risible. Needless to say, if anyone in a Democratic administration allowed a character like Porter to remain in the White House after receiving evidence of his alleged violence against women, these groups would be calling for the heads of all concerned and denouncing the president for creating an atmosphere where women are not respected. Their record in enabling Trump and rationalizing support for him has made them a laughingstock. But it’s no laughing matter when leaders who influence the thinking and votes of millions of people become protectors of the most morally depraved administration in modern history.

On the one hand, it sounds like Hunter decided that, with his wife and kids all the way across the country in California, it was time to play. I have zero difficulty imaging what “the bros caucus” looked like at the Capital Hill Club, and all those nights out with female “lobbyists” and the younger woman he brought in on his staff…yeah.

On the other hand, the heavy drinking and self-destructive behavior from a decorated veteran of Afghanistan makes me very worried that the guy has serious PTSD. He may be GOP, and he may be acting like an ass, but he’s also a United States Veteran, and as such he deserves respect and help if it truly is PTSD that is even partially to blame for his situation. Basically, I don’t want the guy to be in Congress, but I also don’t want the guy to drink himself to death or worse from untreated trauma related to his service. I hope he can step down, get the help he needs and go on to live a productive and happy life (just not in Congress).

Great article, thank you.

I agree with Rand Paul for once.

“When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party,” Paul said at one point. “But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party. The hypocrisy hangs in the air and chokes anyone with a sense of decency or intellectual honesty.”

But of course, Rand Paul himself voted for a tax cut that added a mountain to the deficit… so, whatevs.

Exactly. He’s no more fiscally conservative than the rest of them.