The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

Nunes is attacking his local paper.

I guess these utterly shocking insights might as well belong here.

To be honest the local paper has gone after Nunes hard with a very strange story that literally is only a story because Nunes is a republican.

Google something like this…

Nunes Winery Charity Sexual Harassment lawsuit

The short version is Nunes has a friend who began a winery. Nunes invested in the winery, a very small amount. The winery has done well, and owns a boat they loan out to a charity for fund raising. During one of the charity run boat trips somebody brought a stripper and fun ensued. A worker on the boat is suing over sexual harassment.

The Fresno Bee is attacking Nunes for being involved by his small winery ownership. And oh yea, the winery has sold wine to Russians.

I am not a Nunes fan (he is my congressman) but in this case Nunes has real reason to believe the newspaper is engaging in partisan hackery.

There are plenty of things to go after Nunes for. That isn’t on that list.

I don’t mean to be pedantic, but isn’t the correct term “deputy”?

But wait, what about the party of family values? Hmmmmm. Fake news!

?? You’re supposed to call the representative for your district a “deputy”?


(yeah, I know my joke fell flat when I have to explain it after. :))

Jon McNaughton’s latest. How many Village People can you spot?

This is my painting “Justice for All.” Choosing the right Supreme Court Justices matter. I hope Roe v Wade is repealed because it is unconstitutional!

He has an interactive version of his WTF-athon on his site so you can see who’s who when you mouseover (because great artwork knows how to speak for itself), but it’s broke as fuck right now, so only about a half dozen work, and they all refer to the wrong person (because of course). I only bring that up because I’m dying to know why Sally Ride is in it - aside from that fact that she’s conveniently dead and unable to defend herself.

I wonder what David Bowie is doing up there in the top left.

I didn’t know that Moses was an American. You learn something new every day.

And is Scalia tearing up the Constitution?

I believe, with that caption, you win the internet today.

And is the old lady in the bottom right holding a human brain?

What makes you think it’s human?

I think that’s Ma Kettle with a country ham for Moses.

It’s good to see Frederick Douglass getting recognized more and more.

I hear he’s doing great things these days.

Seriously, that woman is holding a brain. You can see the hemispheres and shit.

Is the guy in the bottom right the guy from American sniper?

He’s a L37 Militiaman from Idaho.

Senator Clay Davis from The Wire is in the top right. “Sheeeeit…”

Also, not a lot of people know this but, Sally Ride, standing there next to Washington, was 6’18"