The Division 2 - Make Washington D.C. Great Again

FTFY. It’ll drop in the NDZ, not just the ODZ.

You can avoid PvP in the NDZ.

It’s all over the subreddit. They’re also reducing the amount of ‘clean’ loot in the DZ – they really want to push us toward the extraction loop (which involves a much higher chance of PvP).

Yeah… just reading the PTS notes has me thinking it’s time to put this down for a long, long time. At least until they realize that the solution to underpopulated PvP gameplay is not to force PvE players to engage with it.

Not with the changes to clean/ contaminated loot. Or, rather, you might avoid PvP, but they’re working to make PvP a lot more likely.

Not to argue a point here, but I extracted many phat lootz from TD1 DZ without being ganked.

I don’t mind them firewalling 512 to DZ, because if you’re GS500, you’ve pretty much milked PvE dry already :)

Well, that anecdote settles the issue.

anyway, there has always been the dichotomy between PvE and PvP in The Division. I’ve cloud-yelled about this at length, because I, too, am supremely uninterested in entering the rolls of the 420NoScopersx69x’ers.

But Ubi has pushed PvP in TDx since day one, because, you know, it’s cheaper than creating PvE content :) So it’s not surprising that a lot of PTS changes, like more simultaneous players in the cramped DZs and gated loot, are showing up.

I’ll add my anecdote to scharmers’ then, I’ve extracted a ton of loot from the DZ in the first game and never really engaged in PvP. Not to say that I never got ganked but as I’ve mentioned before - there’s an achievement in the first game for killing another player in the DZ and I don’t have that achievement. I’m just not interested.

I don’t get it. They are going to normalize gear to 500 in PVP now, so the 515 gear is just 500 gear, except in PVE where you can’t get 515 gear?

Did they nerf those useable turrets into the ground?

VOIP still isn’t working for a ton of us and no comment from the devs on it. This fucking sucks :(

Ready for the patch (not visible is 92% damage to elites). And the accuracy and stability displayed stats are apparently bugged.

When is patch? I really should get back to Division and get those last 15 keys for the event… but, there’s also an event in Destiny. Sophies choice.

No ETA, but some of the talents on PTS are currently nerfed. Berserk for example got severely toned down and it requires 11 red attributes.

Thanks for the help tonight @Harkonis - Getting close to 30. Without VOIP the pickup groups have been miserable and I am not so hot at soloing.

I don’t know what it is about this game but I just can’t stop playing it. Normally I’m super goal oriented, especially in online games, but here I just like to roam, hunt down collectables, take over check points (even though I have all the BPs from them!), run random missions on hard/challenging despite the fact that my build is done…

And I can’t explain why. It’s a completely new experience for me lol. Maybe it’s because the moment to moment gameplay is so satisfying.

Same. The gameplay is great. I find myself using the random bounty/ mission buttons a lot to keep things fresh (unlike the first game, where you mostly ran one mission over and over).

I have been able to stop playing, only at a GS of 450. But getting burned out on doing the same missions for the 5-6-7th time. :P

I want the dev’s to go over the skills again and make them more useful. Everyone is chem launcher and healing hive, like 90% of the time.

I stopped playing, or maybe it’s more accurate to say I paused, because I totally intend to come back to the game. I just felt like taking a bit of a break, play something else, so that the game doesn’t lose its freshness, so to speak. I’ve caught a second wind in Anthem, for one thing. I’m certain I’ll be feeling it again before too long.

This is the right way to approach these games, I think. Anything with dailies and a progression system will turn into a chore if you let it. Mixing things up really helps!

Did they nerf any of the secondary talents like the +15% Damage to Elites one that virtually everyone is stacking in their build? I watched their stream, but they only seemed to mention the primary talents that require certain numbers of attributes.