The Division 2 - Make Washington D.C. Great Again

Yup, get a crash report thingy every time.

Thanks for confirming.

When was the patch? Didn’t have that issue last week when playing (new install).

I just reinstalled/redownloaded all 50+ GB twice and still have the issue. The problem started sometime the first or second week of December.

Other people seem to be having it as well:

60MB patch today. Appears to have fixed the crash upon exit bug plaguing the game for last 2 months.

The game is really cheap today on the Ubi Store. 85% off! I’m tempted, since I enjoyed the first one, apart from the bullet-spongy bosses.

I bought the Year 1 Pass as it was only $10, instead of $40. Played a mission with two matchmaked teammates, although it took about 4 or 5 minutes to find someone to play with last night.

It’s such a fun game. My major complaint (aside from the nightmare that is the RNG) is that the gear system remains a goddamn mess. However, the State of the Game last week was all about the devs talking about a massive gear overhaul in the works.

Why are they changing this?

Overall the current situation is:

  • At a certain point, getting usable things feels too rare.
  • The system is hard to understand (you need excel sheets for max rolls etc.) and it is difficult to judge what is good.
  • Players end up keeping too many items in storage because they don’t offer an immediate or clear advantage or for later recalibration.
  • The rush of seeing a god roll diminishes, in part because it can be difficult to understand what a god roll is.
  • Players are getting too much of everything; the current gear system allows for too many builds with consistently high stats, rather than builds with interesting trade-offs.

Three Big Changes

To address this, they have three aspects they want to change:

  • RPG (The gear rework)
  • Recalibration stat storing
  • Skill power refactorization

Good, it needs an overhaul like that. I’m still frustrated that they’re treading the same ground they did with the Division 1, in terms of having to fix the same mistakes all over again. It’s bad enough to miss big improvements that other games in the genre have made, but it’s inexcusable to not learn a damn thing from the game you’re making a sequel of! I seriously have no idea how that happened.

After reading the SofG I’m now even more confused! God rolls?

Still, I’ve jumped back into the game after convincing 3 friends to buy it during the big holiday sale and we’ve been doing co-op almost every night and it’s a blast. The worst part is the inventory management after a long session

The pros are the story content and progression. The cons are the inventory management. So without more of the former to counterbalance the latter, the game stalls out pretty hard. I’m curious to see if the devs can fix the current inventory nightmare.

I mean, I’m still satisfied with the couple hundred hours I put into the game, but I’m also kind of treating it like a play-once experience. Why the devs had any other expectation about gameplay longevity is sort of puzzling.

I agree with the loot complaints. i’m personally burned out on endless looter shooter game play. Had no interest in trying the new Borderlands and Destiny just feels like a grind in same way. Getting knee pads that have 432 armor over my current 428 and gives 3 percent head crits is like so what when 20 mins later I’ll find something that is 3 armor more.

The world looks great and the 3rd person shooting is solid but I get nothing from the endless gear drip drop these games do anymore.

Had rolled and optimized my gear for extra damage, logged in and found out I could only have the stat on one piece of gear… Sad Sad Sad, had to reroll for some other “unique” modifiers which locked me from doing something else with the gear.

At least you could now grab ‘stats’ from your stash… but you have to go to the stash to unlock the gear first (did they not playtest this?). Could’ve at least put a stash next to the modification tables.

Anyone know where you can find the server population figures? I’m trying to matchmake in the game the past couple days and it’s taking forever.

What activity are you trying to matchmake for? The last time I was playing regularly, I had the best luck matchmaking for “Challenging”-level missions. Everything else was hit-or-miss.

I did the Pentagon mission for the first time this morning and I actually had someone join my party after I put out a request for help.

He had some kind of weapon/skill that I’d seen the other day, but he basically can set off a series of explosions that kill tons of bad guys. It was OP AF.

I should have asked him about it, but before he left at the end he told me I should craft a Liberty and not lose it. I looked it up and it’s some of pistol??!!

My buddy uses that skill, it’s the Seeker mine cluster. We call it the happy fun balls. It’s fairly devastating!

I’ve not collected/crafted the Liberty handgun yet but there are plenty of websites detailing the process. Apparently it does +100% damage to weakpoints, drones, robots, etc. and even highlights these in the game so you know where to shoot. Neat!

How is TD2 these days? I basically quit a couple of weeks after the airport raid hit, because I was bored by the lack of stuff to do, and baffled that they’d put in an activity that required 8 people without matchmaking. Up to that point, I had been playing a ton of it, and my gear was pretty much maxed out (assume that’s no longer the case).

I’m in a bit of a lull right now as far as games go, and might go back if it’s worth another shot.

The Classified Assignments that come with the Year 1 Pass are pretty great. Not $40 great, but at the Chinese New Year’s sale price of $10, it’s worth it. You get 6 new missions in some cool new locations, and there’s some puzzle solving if you want to get all the collectibles.

I need to load this back up. Was a lot of fun even at release and sounds much improved since then.

I guess the weird issue is that the amount of loot they throw at me is just starting to create busy-work in the form of inventory management, so personally, I’m planning to wait until the inventory revamp before I jump back in.