The Division 2 - Make Washington D.C. Great Again

The Snowdrop engine Ubi uses for these games is very good at making super detailed environments that run pretty smoothly, in general. Not sure what the drawbacks are though.

The melting fans are one drawback :)

Not quite sure I get the joke? I must have missed something.

No joke - just that engine works the CPU very hard.

DirectX 12 has been better running since Deus Ex Mankind Divided whose DX12 version wasn’t slower. Shadow of the Tomb Raider and almost every other recent game runs faster including The a Division 1/2. It’s just that it crashes at least for Team Green GPU users and/or crashes to desktop on exit. For months prior it had microstutter issues.

My GTX 1080 Ti is comparable to your RTX 2070 and it can only manage 40-50 frames per second at 1440p on Ultra High with DX12. On DX11 I have to drop it to High to get consistent 60+ or fiddle with resolution scaling. This with a Ryzen 7 2700 CPU.

I have a GTX 1080. I should try DX12… or maybe I’m running it and don’t know it?! I just reinstalled, so not sure. I usually avoid DX12 reflexively because for a long time it always performed worse and crashed to boot (not speaking of Division 2, just in general).

Huh. That may explain why my old i5 rig chugged on the game. Thanks for the info!

I’m just 1080p, though, at 144Hz. So the load is probably quite a bit less.

I first noticed this at the end of 2018 with AC Odyssey and it capping out at 30 fps with the same GTX 1080 Ti GPU due to my i5 4-core/4-thread CPU, Intel Haswell from 2013. It benefits from more threads so i7 with HT helps even a little. Upgrading to a Ryzen which had comparable or even slightly slower single threaded performance nearly doubled my framerate.

Yeah, I’m running an AMD CPU now and it is much much better.

Got a question - I thought that for weapon mods, since they don’t appear to be deconstructible or rebuildable, they must not have tiers. But I’ve noticed that as I “level up” my construction area, if I go to build a new mod it will be purple, where previously it may have been blue or green. Does that mean it has better stats than if I had built it with an earlier, lower area? Or does that matter at all?

Sometimes the odd purple has higher stat than a yellow.

Is it possible to de/re-construct a mod then to try for better stats?

Playing my cheapo copy of this and having a good time, but I realise there was no scene-setting intro. I don’t actually know what happened to DC, or NY. Did I click through something important?

Not at all.

The second game has an intro, but it doesn’t really cover the full backstory. Your best bet is to go watch the intro & ending cutscenes for the first game.

I don’t think the stats change, or if they do, it’s a flat by tier/level thing. It seems that the doohicky that gives you +5% crit chance at level 10 gives you…+5% crit chance at level 40. Of course, by then, your base chance is probably higher.

OK, that’s what I was looking to find out, thanks.

They reduced the bullet sponginess of enemies below legendary and heroic today with a 500MB patch. Thank god, it was stupid on Challenging a day or two ago.

Rejoice! It was getting tiresome. Did they address the lousy RNG drops (too many mods, purples at 40+ Hard+) ??