The Division 2 - Make Washington D.C. Great Again

Man, the addition of league timers makes my Stranded Tanker runs with PUGs on Challenging instantly stupid. People become assholes and don’t stick around. Got 21 minutes easily with second group.

Got my Imperial Dynasty on my 20th run or so and the one that came in under 20min for the league. I’m done with Stranded Tanker forever now.

I have roughly 14 exotics, missing the Pestilence LMG and Nemesis sniper rifle.

Edit: Ran 3 heroic Lincoln Memorial got 2 Pestilence as pity drops from other players

I think I’m done my gameplay and I have no interest in doing the raid. I’ll keep waiting another 6+ weeks for Roosevelt Island to get invaded by Black Tusk to finish the Nemesis.

130 times is quite bad to re-run a mission for a weapon drop.

I definitely notice an improvement in gear rolls when playing Heroic, personally.

As for difficulty, I actually find Challenging kinda trivial these days. Especially if you’re using one of the the popular M1A builds. I’m pretty much exclusively running Heroic with randoms, aside from the League time trials. I’ve also started banging my head against Legendary difficulty - managed to complete Roosevelt Island with three randoms, still working on the other two.

Legendary is a nightmare unless you have a group that knows what it is doing, and can seamlessly change roles Lots of painstakingly falling back as you pick guys off.

Yeah, one difference may be I play exclusively either solo or with one other person I play regularly with. We ran the experiment again last night, playing missions and CP4s at Heroic and Challenging, and actually ended up with two exotics at Challenging, none in Heroic, and no real difference in the rolls on all the other gear. Realize that with anything based on random number generators you have to get a big sample to have real data, but we’ve been doing these this way for quite a bit, and we just aren’t seeing enough difference to make up for the time difference it takes for a Heroic vs. Challenging.

We did laugh last night, though, about how we used to be VERY nervous about running a mission at Hard instead of Normal. These days Hard seems pretty trivial (though we can still get killed due to our complete overconfidence at Hard; I’m bad about just standing in front of a Named yellow with my Bullet King holding the trigger down as we exchange damage, shouting “Say hello to my little friend!!!” then saying to my coop partner “hey come revive me, I took him down to a sliver but he won.” ;)

When I play hard for whatever reason these days, I don’t even bother taking cover - I just walk around mowing guys down. The only threat is getting too lazy and walking into a bad situation by accident, haha.

It was sometimes a frustrating slog, but it was immensely fun to carry 3 RL casual playing friends through Challenging mode of Invaded District Union Arena.

Two of you cracked a billion damage on Challenging difficulty? That seems weirdly high.

A few weeks back I did a Heroic difficulty run of Invaded Camp White Oak with three randoms, where I was the only DPS spec’d person in our group. My hand was actually cramping up from pressing RT so many times, and I finished with well over two billion damage. The next closest person was in the 350 million range.

It took us forever to finish, because it was basically up to me to clear everything, and I was complaining out loud to myself by the end I was so frustrated, haha.

And of course because the other guys weren’t spec’d for damage, they would always hang way in the back, which meant I was soaking up all of the exploding drones and whatnot. Just the worst.

Nothing special, just Classic M1A Baker’s Dozen build for me and friend. The other 2 friends didn’t buy WONY yet. We were all speced for damage (all reds) but probably far from optimized as could be other than me. What do you mean by “weirdly high” though?

I mean that I’m surprised a mission’s worth of enemies on Challenging difficulty were enough to push two of you over a billion total damage. It wouldn’t surprise me on Heroic, because enemies have more health to whittle down.

I think the 2 of us were the most situationally aware and short ml the most things

At the point where trying new builds is the only real reason for loot farming any more, and trying a Negotiators Dilemma build. Interesting, mark someone with a critical hit, and then mark someone else, and everyone one else marked takes the damage you inflict on any other marked person. I.e. you can mark 3 people and take all 3 out by taking just one of them out…

If you are interested in a YouTuber who is not full of himself, interesting, and has some great builds based on my experience, take a look at NothingButSkillz and his Division 2 videos.

The Negotiators Dilemma talent has always struck me as potentially powerful, and yet really limited by the fact that you have to mark the targets first.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t tend to switch targets multiple times mid-stream like that. I choose a target, I take the target out, I move on to the next one.

My DPS build used to have a couple of ND pieces in it, but now I’m just running the standard meta: Baker’s Dozen, 3pc Providence, Coyote’s Mask, Contractor’s Gloves, Fox’s Prayer knees. I’ve also got an AR build that swaps out the kneepads for Fenris.

Right now I’m mostly just working on Legendary difficulty, and occasionally farming gear to try and get gear that is closer to god-rolls, depending on where the loot allocation is that day.

So how is this for someone who will primarily play solo (I’m not a big fan of playing with randos). I’m debating either picking up the base game for $10 or game + DLC for $22 on the epic store.

You can do everything solo on the easiest difficulties, depending on gear and if you get the dlc or not. They made most of the gear from base game shit when they introduced the dlc. the dlc itself adds a bunch of extra stuff to the game - i.e. more “game as a service” stuff you need to chase or you lose out on it, “Seasons” they call it.

I’d say play it through for 10$ and forget about it.

The WONY “season” DLC reward track is expiring tomorrow or so so it’s not worth picking up at full price. I fully expect WONY to get a big price cut sale soon after the first “season” ends. It doesn’t seem worth it at anything more than half price for WONY.

Played a good Fed bunker mission with a QT3 clan member whose in-game name is Tumburu.

I played from level 1 to the highest current levels primarily solo. Some coop with my brother. I think there are actually some advantages to solo. I would often just walk and explore every corner of the map at my leisure, taking on fights in the street when I felt like it. There are an incredible number of details you can miss when in goal oriented mode. I was able to move up from normal to hard eventually and now I keep the world at challenging and usually play control points at heroic.

I’ve played your standard full DPS build, an ND build, a sniper build, and now I’m really enjoying a great skill build. My coop partner/brother has been playing with his full red DPS build but for something different we farmed the equipment for the skill build for him that I’m using and we’ve had some fun with all the havoc two people with maxed out skill builds can inflict.

At this point farming for new builds is the real pull to keep me coming back. But I’ve gotten my full price money’s worth back many times over.

Four casual playing friends just bought WONY expansion on Epic Store sale so I’ll be back on intermittently to help them level and farm exotics. I’ve got all the non-PVP exotics and done all the content except the raid so I’m a little burnt out. I have Challenging difficulty on easily farm now.

I just got all the ranks and rewards for Season 1 except for the first League and two global events (didn’t do them since I didn’t know what they were) and Massive needs to change rewards from useless things like crafting and recalibration caches. The Guardians event was frustrating at first but I came to appreciate the strategy needed. I’ve got all non-PVP Dark Zone exotics to my satisfaction and have all the crafting blueprints except for the raid-obtained ones.

Finished up all 4 days worth of Guardians global event challenges for final 54/54 stars. 81/60 hill league ranks.

I don’t do any Raids, Legendary or Heroic missions except a handful where random matchmaking placed me in some.

What’s a “ND” build?