The Elder Scrolls Online

Does this require a good video card to look really nice? I’ve been on the fence getting this because I will be away from home for an extended period of time and will probably be using a laptop with less than stellar specs. Not sure what the specs are yet. So, if I need a good computer I may as well wait until I am back home.



Windows 7 64-bit; Intel® Core i3 540 or AMD A6-3620
3GB System RAM
85GB free HDD space
DirectX 11 compliant video card with 1 GB of RAM (NVIDIA® GeForce® 460 / AMD Radeon™ 6850) or higher
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet broadband connection


Windows 7 64-bit
Intel® Core i5 2300 or AMD FX4350
8GB System RAM
85GB free HDD space
DirectX 11 compliant video card with 2 GB of RAM (NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750 or AMD Radeon™ HD 7850) or higher

Same as any other game really, you’ll want a GTX1050 or so to play at 1080p with high settings. It’s not like WoW which will play on a potato.

I guess I’ll need to see what kind of laptop we can get our hands on. I’m thinking it will be better to wait. I’d rather play it when it’s lookin’ good. I guess I can install the base game on it and see how it handles.

Yeah, I’m sure you can turn down the settings to get it to start on intel graphics, I just don’t know if it would be playable or pretty.

I have a GTX770 that runs is great at 1080p and looks amazing. Haven’t looked to see if it’s high settings, but even medium looks great to me.

770 = 960 = 1050 = perfectly fine for 1080p.

Señor BuzzKill reporting in. This thread has been a huge love-fest for ESO. Time to throw some ice water on that, eh?

I’m supposed to grab a pitchfork and torch, I take it?

Yeah, that sucks. In fact, it sucks enough that I sent in a support ticket about it.

This is getting a lot of attention already, so I expect they will issue a statement and remove it soon enough. It’s also extremely illegal under the GDPR.

Who’da thunk that Zenimax would pull something like this? They’re such an upstanding company!

Not to minimize the douchebaggery involved with that, but it seems pretty easy to edit your hosts file to make the tool inoperative.

Meh. I’ll just wait for them to pull it.

Sure, if you happen to hear about it. The millions of players who don’t follow this stuff closely, they’re just SOL.

Why are they SOL? Say RedShell is on their system. Then what happens?

Their privacy is violated without their knowledge or consent.

I hope the 5 people that care get some sort of compensation. ;)

On a more serious note, I haven’t found much detail in terms of what they track and how that data is identified with a person. Other than their own PR and marketing, that is, which I don’t give much credence to.

EDIT: To be clear, not making any statement about whether people should care. But in today’s world of social media, phone track, and devices listening in every room… I just don’t think many people are going to get too worked up about ESO tracking.

I’m assuming that if I buy summerset (with morrowind included) from GMG I’ll be able to add it to my account even if I got the base game through steam?

I played about 10 hours or so of the base get a long while ago. I remember enjoying it and I don’t remember why I bounced off, and im in the mood for an ES style game for whatever reason.

That’s a good question. When I purchased it last night (I got the “upgrade” edition) I got an ESO key that I activated by logging onto my account. I’ve never played it through Steam so I’m not sure what the process is there.