The Elder Scrolls Online

Come to terms? Fire staves are awesome.

They do have their charm but I loved the dual wield swords look. Loved it so much I was willing to hit like a wet noodle with my light attacks.

I went all in with the fire staff now. Ground out a Zaan mask and shoulders and now pew pew from close range. Pretty fun actually.

Look schmook, it’s all about how much damage they deal. Fire and lightning staves, so fun!

Thank you, you just convinced me to wait to get this! :-)
I was close because it looks so pretty - but I wouldn’t be playing it much for a while anyways so I might as well wait. Maybe I’m getting better at this :-)

Ouch! :) I feel bad.

I did have a good time and got some skill points, exp for CP and the scenery is really nice. They did a great job on that. The main island has a lot of POI’s and all that but it is basically just more of the same.

Well, if you buy before tomorrow you also get morrowind free (unless you have it already.) I left just before morrowind so it was a good enough deal to pull me back in.

Don’t, you saved me some money!

Yeah, that tempted me a lot too. I figure they will go on sale again. I won’t know what laptop I will have with me on my travels until tomorrow and it will likely not be that powerful, so I’d rather play it when I have a machine that will handle the graphics well.

Normally you would expect the previous expansion to be folded into the base game purchase, but ESO is handling expansions in a very non-traditional way, like Guild Wars 2. So that might not be the case-- if you want to play ESO in the near future, the free Morrowind deal shouldn’t be missed.

Depending on the laptop we get I may not be able to play for 7 months.

Oh, screw it then. We could all be dead in 7 months.

What gear are you wearing Vic? In the past I played mostly templar/sorc in PvP. I’ll be using my magblade in Summerset so I’ll probably take him to PvP as well. Thinking 2 piece monster, spinners and maybe shacklebreaker? And switch out shacklebreaker for Vicious Death if I want to try bombing.

Zaan looks good but I don’t have the Dragon Bones DLC. I refuse to buy crowns unless it’s on sale!

I’m a magicka nb. I’m wearing head, shoulder Zaan. 5 piece sloads, 5 piece spinners.

I took an almost year long break right before morrowind with only a toe dab around the dragon bones dlc. I just need to get my ISP situation improved or it might be their servers. I’m really not sure. I used to get 120 ms ping to the eso servers but since the summerset came out it is more like 145 ms and Cryrodiil is now bad for me even druing off peak times. That part has been disappointing.

It’s still a load of fun though.

Thanks for that link, this guy has some pretty neat builds, I particularly like this one:

I thought I’d put my own spin on the high mobility idea and maybe do pelinals + prisoner’s for sustain. I’d have to get rid of werewolf for mistform, which removes one of the main uses of pelinals for stamplar, so better if it’s just automaton + prisoners. Then I realized I probably don’t need that much magicka sustain for just mistform and ritual, and so bone pirate is probably better. So automaton + bone pirate, which is the original build in the video.

I like hybrids and the idea of the prisoners set, so maybe I could pair it with pelinals for my stamsorc, who has better use for magicka abilities. Then I found out that pelinals+prisoners+stamsorc+werewolf is already a known thing. So much for originality.

Regardless, infused jewellery + weapon damage glyphs looks like a nice buff for a pelinals build. Now to level up my jeweller…

This will be painfully grindy I think. Don’t forget to change up your CP if you do decide to do this so that you get that 20% inspiration boost in one of the green trees. I’ve got it to 30 after blowing through some AP that I have banked to buy jewelry for deconstructing. Then, I remembered the CP inspiration star thingie. Oh well. It would have been 3k gold well spent. Not that it matters. The mats for jewelry crafting are apparently really hard to come by. I guess in a few months it will probably settle down. That’s fine by me.

Grind dolmens, deconstruct the loot. Every dolmen drops an accessory, making this the second-fastest way.

The fastest way involves spending about 7 million Alliance Points. Nope.

Yeah. I haven’t really worked at it, but my guy’s at level 4 right now. Going to be a long grind. Luckily, for the builds I have in mind I mostly need to learn the traits, and then transmute.

Ah! That’s why there were so many people at the dolmens. I almost felt bad for Molag Bal and his sad posturing. Dolmen daedras have the worst job.

Al’Akir has always been the go to zone for dolmen grinding. You can pretty much go there anytime and there’s several groups just running the circuit. I think that zone works pretty well because all three dolmens there are pretty close to wayshrines. There’s basically zero downtime - the group goes straight from one to the next and it’s always ready. Just show up and type ‘x’ in chat and you’ll almost certainly get auto-invited to the group.

I was there earlier doing a circuit until my inventory was full. Some guy in my group kept begging everyone to give him jewelry, because if everyone gave him one piece he could go up two levels. Yeah, dude, as if half the people here aren’t here for jewelcrafting mats.

So I finally made August Palatine. But I’m taking a break from Cyrodiil until they fix the lag. I watched some twitch streamers and it was pretty clear that it wasn’t my isp but rather the new update that did this. Just watched a guy playing a sorc rage quit his stream after spiking into the 200’s and not having his skills go off. Same experience that I have been having. Hope they figure it in the next couple of weeks. I’ve been playing since the last beta and it’s pretty bad. I just got geared up with the new sets from Dragonbones and Summerset so it is disappointing.

Luckily I still have the Morrowind expansion to catch up on.

Congrats… that’s an astounding amount of AP! Did you get most of it solo, in small groups or organized AoE Murderballs? :)

As for the lag… I’ve had none in Cyrodiil since the Summerset update. None. I know that’s unusual, and perhaps different CPU’s have or have not taken relative advantage of the changes (8700k here, fwiw). Lag in big fights was what drove me from the game a year ago, and I’m very happy to see it fixed (at least, for some of us).

It has been, but it shouldn’t be. I see two issues with Al Akir grinding: 1) The loot is bad and 2) You get almost no experience from the mobs. There are faster, more profitable rotations.

Take a look at Auridon, for example. The travel times from Wayshrine - Dolmen are also very short, and the crowds tend to be much smaller. That means you actually tag most of the critters, and you’ll get far more XP per dolmen. Some of the gear dropped there is also valuable, if you’re CP 160 and get purples. Also, try Deshaan. There, the travel times are slightly longer, but there are two quite valuable sets you can get (Mother’s Sorrow and Plague Doctor).