The Elder Scrolls Online

This collection, forty bucks. That gets you all the major expansions including Summerset.

That doesn’t include Clockwork City, which is a large DLC with an entire zone. That will cost another $16 in “crowns”.

It also doesn’t include three of the dungeon packs, with 2 dungeons apiece, but they don’t have any open-world content so you can skip 'em. I wouldn’t skip Clockwork City, but you can delay buying it for a long-ass time with the content in that collection.

If you want the “freebies” from this event, just need to buy Summerset and login before Oct 7th.

If anyone does decide to rejoin ESO then come join us in the Quarter To Three guild. Myself, Charlatan and Pagan are feeling kind of lonely :)

That ESO collection looks like a hell of a deal. If you’re only missing Summerset, or want to jump in to Morrowind before dropping some more coin, Fanatical is running a few “best price ever” deals today.

That’s only Morrowind, so you’re also missing the 4 big DLCs, two of which I consider absolutely essential; the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild.

Just a heads up for everyone, but the newest DLC is Murkmire and although it’s available for 2000 Crowns (or about $20 in real money) it’s also in the Daily Reward list for this month. It’s on the 24th slot, so if you log in each day and claim your reward, you should still have enough days to get the DLC for free this way.

Man, this was my last hope. I’ve always been an MMO guy but ESO broke me after 2 days. Other than the fact that I can’t seem to hit an enemy if they are on terrain a foot higher or lower than me, it’s just not grabbing me at all. I picked up the whole kit and kaboodle for $40, so it’s not a horrible loss, but I simply can’t grasp why I don’t like it. (Besides the guy that was chasing me around telling me he was a teenage girl and deserves free things…no really, he’s a teenage girl.) Whatever, I’ve been around the block too much.

That might be why it’s not grabbing me, in the past I’ve played, alphabetically…

A Tale in the Desert, Aion, ArcheAge, Black Desert, Blade and Soul, Champions Online, DC Universe, EVE, Fallen Earth, Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Lord of the Rings Online (for a long time), Mabinogi, The Matrix Online, Neverwinter, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Rift, Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars Galaxies (for a long time), TERA, Uncharted Waters Online, Warhammer Online, World of Warcraft (for a very long time), Wurm and WWII Online.

And now Elder Scrolls Online. Perhaps I’ve just seen too much. I would have thought with my love for the lore of Oblivion and Skyrim that ESO would have been perfect to just fool around reading things and listening to NPC’s and fighting baddies, but the fighting is so bad. So bad. There are worse fighting systems in a lot of the above list but this is still pretty lousy.

I wasn’t a huge fan of how it dropped me in Summerset as a new character, but I get it, everything scales, etc etc. I figured out a way to get to my ‘home’ city and started the game hanging out with Dumbledore, it’s fine. It throws waaaaay too many quest markers at you at one time, it doesn’t do a great job of explaining combat, crafting, or anything important to you, so I had to read about them. I’m tired of reading about how to play something.

I think this is finally the real end of my MMO time. Still have 28 days of ESO+ going if anyone cares to even attempt to get me to see it differently.

There’s still Old School Runescape to try, you know… and Ultima Online.

I kid. ESO is a very well done game, but I didn’t get hooked with it either despite not having any true complaints about it. I’m thinking my time with MMOs has maybe finally passed (been doing them since 1993…). Might be the same in your situation - just time for a new genre.

Yeah I think so. Just looking at my list makes me miserable.

I mean, if you can’t put your finger on why you don’t like it, it’s kind of hard to tell you ways to fix it or assure you that thing will get better or whatever.

Although personally I think it has the best combat in any Elder Scrolls game and one of the best combat systems in any MMO I’ve ever played. Which is a bar a toddler could step over, but still.

Yeah, ESO is not my favorite game by any stretch but the combat beats the crap out of any other Elder Scroll game.

I still have 28 days of ESO+ to burn up so I’m going to keep plugging away. Try different characters, probably.

I am finding my (net-researched) stamina sorcerer build extremely effective and mildly prone to inducing of power-mad cackling.

Yeah I was hoping to be able to avoid reading essays on builds and characters, but I guess not.

I’m sure it’s not necessary, but there are a lot of directions you can go so if you’d rather not figure out synergies for yourself or just like powering through combat on the way to the good stuff (me), it’s an easy shortcut.

It’s probably necessary. I like powering through combat and hanging out with the voiced NPC’s. Boy howdy I enjoy the NPC voices in this. I’ll look up things tomorrow, try them out, eventually settle on a character and probably get sucked in like normal.

Depends on what you’re looking for in a MMO. The story quests are decent. I enjoyed them enough the first time through, but they do get samey after a while. The combat system is pretty great though, and it might not be apparent until you get to the end game stuff. The dungeons are fairly well done, the trials are ho hum, but the PvP is fantastic. It’s what keeps me coming back often.

If you’re just questing any build is fine. I’d recommend an Altmer magicka templar. You can probably spam one skill and power through all the quests, and they’re good at everything in the endgame.

ESO is very very different in terms of class and character building than any other MMO. It’s a bit unintuitive at first, but once you get the hang of it it’s pretty awesome. Your “class” is more defined by your weapon choices than your base character class. There are some really fun combos…stamina sorcerer is great, magicka templar is also great, both of those I found to be pretty fun to play.

/shrug. You may just be burnt on MMOs etc. I found the main story line, and particularly the John Cleese voice work, to be well worth the price of admission. I also found it fairly entertaining to just run around the world and sight see, as there is some nice world building. You should be able to at least get your months worth out of it.

Same with me. I spent 4 or 5 days with ESO and then went back to LOTRO. I loved Skyrim (200+ hours) and Morrowind (didn’t play Oblivion), but this hasn’t grabbed me yet.

I think I have to approach it clean, tossing my habits of LOTRO or Skyrim. And I have too much invested in both. I don’t think I can do that now. Plus…time.

Awww this makes me sad as I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself an MMO guy but I like to think I played the one with the greatest melee combat (Age of Conan) and I consider all of ESO’s combat (melee, ranged, and magic) to be an absolute blast. I do wonder what system you are playing it on (PS4 here) and whether playing with a controller would help the combat feel better.

For me, ESO has all those great MMO ingredients: combat/PVP, quests, exploration, and crafting. I never considered myself too keen on the lore of the Elder Scrolls but I absolutely love the stories ESO told me about the Khajit (no longer just goofy skooma addicts!) and it even got me to like the stupid high elves.