The Extreme Justice League... WHOOSH!

I saw this article on CNN talking about real-life costumed crime-fighters.

Very cool, I think.

Mr. Ravenblade, Mr. Xtreme, Dark Guardian and hundreds of others. Some with elaborate costumes, others with haphazardly stitched outfits, they are appearing on city streets worldwide watching over the populace like Superman watched over Metropolis and Batman over Gotham City.
As people become disillusioned from financial woes and a downtrodden economy and look to put new purpose in their lives, everyday folks are taking on new personas to perform community service, help the homeless and even fight crime.
“The movement is growing,” said Ben Goldman, a real-life superhero historian. Goldman, along with Chaim “Life” Lazaros and David “Civitron” Civitarese, runs the New York-based Web site Superheroes Anonymous as part of an initiative dedicated to organizing and making alliances with superhero groups.

I mean, if you are going to be vigilantes, at least make it fun right?

Chaim Lazaros is a truly excellent civilian name for a superhero. Too bad he couldn’t come up with a better name when in costume.

They need to take on those juggalos who mugged people. That would be superhero against super villain!

Why settle for a costumed crimefighter in a distant city, Jon, when Madison has its own badass superhero?

CNN is behind the times.

I figured this would have turned into a fight about vigilantism… so I put it in PnR.

But what does this have to do with Israel, tasers and gay marriage?

I helped you a little here.