The Falconeer: fly and fight over an open world created by 1 man

OK thanks guys, good info. So the chapters are kind of mini-campaigns in the game, and we’ll be starting a new Falconeer and Falcon each time? Do they falcons you unlock in the races carry over or will I need to complete those a second time?

I think my normal “ultra-completionist” method of playing may not serve me well here, probably I should just go with the flow. I’ll start saving for a memorial though, more cash is always good.

Well don’t want to spoil the chapter endings, but yes you get a new bird at each chapter, but (after the patch lands) you get your cash back, and you keep the unlock, so you can go back and buy it again at zero loss.

Really? The way this is worded made me think it just let you pick them up from farther away. If if actually increases the amount you get from them, I’m definitely picking this up.

Thanks for all the other tidbits. Fun little game.

Got some time into this again tonight. Went out to find the chant that might help me get further into the game- one that replenishes health when you down an enemy. Found it, but I have to find the matching shrine and land on it before you can buy the chant. So I went exploring. Found some really cool areas, new enemies, a few more race courses. Did one of the latter, and it unlocked a bird with basically maxed HP and Regen. So I bought it. Breezed through the next mission, and the one after was a little difficult- I did die a few times- but with smart play I can get through them all now. But really, I almost can’t imagine how you would be able to get through without that bird- some of those missions get really hairy! And you said Chapter 1 is the ‘soft’ opening? Wow.

Looking forward to what’s coming.

I’ve played a bit more tonight too, came up with a few more questions. The tutorial explains how you can recharge your lightning gun ammo by flying near a storm but I notice that sometimes my ammo containers will glow yellow/gold, but seems temporary. I’d this done kind of overcharge? Also noticed after I took a delivery mission to a foundry near a volcano that my ammonia had turned red and seemed to be able to set enemies on fire, that’s kind of cool but not really sure how it happened?

@Don_Quixote for some people the controls and combat only start to click after bit of play.,. Suddenly they find it becoming easier to fight , get on target and roll to avoid fire.

That said, after Paths to Shard (mission 5 i think) thinks ramp up significantly.

main tips

  1. buy the memorial chant, this farms splinters from fallen enemies much quicker
  2. buy the 2 or 3 star rifles from dunkle or even better one’s from the weapon shop, this will radically improve survivability
  3. On normal, YOUR WINGMAN IS A GOD!, he can’t die. let him take the first punches, stay back, see which enemy he is engaging, with and take the other enemy., that way you’ve tied up the most enemies and there’s fewer focussed on yourself

So ammo…

  • yes when they start glowing yellow, they are overcharging, if you keep going they will explode, this is less likely on normal and easy modes, immediate on hardcore
  • ammo comes in different colors, blue, red and green … commonly farmed from dropped ammo pods from enemy turrets.if you look closely in the shop ammo pots also have quality stars, this tells how many shots are in each pot.
  • The colors: so blue you harvest from boring blue lightning, red you harvest from volcanic lightning, Green you harvest from caustic lightning (only 1 location, after chapter 2, it will make sense). The colors have different properties, red increased the chance of turning an enemy on fire, that wil give damage over time, green adds caustic damage that is additional damage against organic targets.

Yeah, Path to Shard was where I had the initial problem, fighting 2 enemies at once! I got the 2-star Rifle and it certainly helped. Then the mission after was stright-up unpossible, so I went exploring, found the tough bird and the next few fights have been, well, not easy, but certainly do-able. If I hadn’t found that bird, man, I have no idea how I’d have gotten through.

Being able to shoot the guns off enemy ships is neat.

hmmm you gotta let your wingman and that cutter do some of the fighting, you can run away or hang back, and they’ll get most of the focus of the multiple enemies.

I think the mercenary class bird, has low regen, and that is not a good starting bird, hence the falconeer is the default., not sure if you had that, but then a better bird will be a life saver…

Do remember the saladmount battle, do NOT engage the pirates, just hang around and watch them attack the towns guns, once those are exploder, the cutter will sail in, and make mincemeat out of a bunch of enemies.

being first in the action, is often a death sentence…

you do know there’s an easy mode right ;)

Great tips! But I’m through all that now, heh. Like I said, not much of a problem with the upgraded bird. But yes, I mentioned upthread that I did take the Merc at the beginning, that that thing is tough to survive with. I’ll see about using the wingman more next time I’m on.

I streamed a couple of hours this morning and had a lovely time! The combat is exhilarating, and it totally had a Freelancer vibe that I very much enjoyed. I only wish I could set a waypoint on the world map because I got so lost at one point until I figured out where the world map was.

I mentioned this upthread, but once you vaguely know which direction you’re headed via the world map, it’s super easy to use up/down on the d-pad to win in and out on the minimap.

Yes but that’s what I failed at. ;)

a custom map pin will come in an update soon;)


That’ll be nice, I suppose. I so rarely travel in a straight line, though- it’s always ‘tack over there to hit that updraft/Jetstream then dive to get speed/recharge energy’, etc., so I’m used to looking at the minimap. Really, at this point the only minor change I’d like would be for the jet streams to be a tiny bit lower- they’re just up so damned high that it’s often not worth both going out of your way and so far up to hit them unless it’s directly taking you where you want to go.

Done with the first three Chapters. Both story missions and side missions do get more interesting as you go, though they’re still “go here, shoot that”. The new enemies are cool, though.

Also, one more tip- you can sell stuff back to traders for full price. So, once you’ve earned a bunch of cash, you can go to the weapons merchant and buy something to try out, and if you don’t like it, you can sell it back and try something else. That’s nice.

The Eurogamer review mentions the rough start to the game and the difficulty spikes, but ends up recommending it:

Nice review. It’s a good reminder for me to dive back into the game and try to figure out its systems.

the second patch that went live yesterday, (amongst a lot of fixes for mouse and other stuff), adds about 1600 splinters from doing the prologue, that means if you start the game there is now ample cash to get you going with mutanges and start improving your chances from the start.

Also reviewers seem to be razor focused on completing the game on normal difficulty, which can be challenging if you are not into air combat style turning battles, buuuut there is an EASY mode, which nerfs enemie damage levels by 50%

Or they can’t find it, its in settings.

On the whole I cherish that eurogamer review, because it celebrates the originality and personal nature the game offers, which as a creator/artist is possibly the highest praise.