The Fall of Harvey Weinstein

That’s a good point.

Anyway, as explained far back in the depths of this thread, I’m very wary of witch hunts.

I can’t see this term without hearing Donald’s fucking voice now. Ugh.

As in Trump? What’s he said now?

Speaking of the titular figure of this thread…

I believe he’s referring to the “WITCH HUNT!” line of tweets, including one in the past day or so that was literally just “WITCH HUNT!”

I can’t wait to see these Presidential communications in the margins of my daughter’s history book in 10 years or so.

Very little of what is going on thus far would fall into a witch hunt bucket.

When Periscope came out, the first week everyone was trying it. All kinds of celebrities gave it a go the first week with weird and funny results.

But I saw one with Morgan Freeman at a restaurant with friends, and he was interacting with the audience. He was a complete and utter dick, a little drunk, and saying things like “I’m Morgan Freeman, who the hell are you?!” not in a joking or smiling way. He was also making crass comments about female viewers. Kinda ruined my impression of him. Can’t say I’m suprised the guy is an ass offscreen.

Aww man, what a tragedy. He had so much potential. Why would he throw away such a promising future like that?

Bwaha, solid.

This reminded me of the dentists suicide scene in the movie MAS*H were the young kid tells him he is throwing away his future.

Does he have his sober coach with him? I don’t know why everyone is picking on him. He finally admitted to himself that he as a raping problem and he’s getting treatment for it. How many months does he have to be sober from raping before the public realizes that he’s a changed man? Why, if anything, we should be applauding his bravery for facing his demons like that.


Some backtracking on the George Takei accusations. Even Huffington Post buries the lede here, though, putting this at the very end of the story:

Snow adds: “This and other evidence would indicate a hard-to-swallow conclusion: We ― both public and press ― got the George Takei assault story wrong.”

Speak for yourself Huffpo. I never thought the Takei allegation passed the smell test.

Shit next you’re going to tell me that HuffPo doesn’t hold itself to rigorous journalistic standards and I will be CRUSHED.

Wonder no more!