The Flash (CW)

Back for winter episodes. Love that Mick’s book is getting spread around as a running gag.

Hm, I am starting to come around on Sherloque Wells.

LOL I had the same thought a little while back.

Not me. This Wells has his moments, sure, but every other version we’ve seen has been so much better.

Well, sure, other versions are still better, but I’m enjoying this version more than when the season started. I’m not going to try and sell anyone that Sherlogue Wells is the best Wells, or any sort of nonsense.

Grodd vs King Shark is just as cheesy and awesome as it sounds. I approve.

Totally enjoyed the cheesiness, lol

Hey guys, hopped back in for the Grodd / King Shark episode. Couldn’t resist that when a preview ad popped up on Netflix, and ended up watching all of the last 4.

Haven’t seen most of the previous … 40? episodes, so a few questions:

What happened to Draco Malfoy?
Why is Harrison-Eobard back?

Is there a great American Pie guy episode I should watch from this season? His behaviour made me laugh, so that’s already a plus over some of the previous villains. Ralph & Nora seem like fun too.

Man, that’s a lot of catching up to do! Julian has been gone since the end of season 3, and we’ve seen a lot of Eobard in Legends of Tomorrow before he showed up again in the Flash this season. By American Pie guy I assume you mean Chris Klein, and I don’t think he did much of anything funny up to this point, except in the “ha that’s some cheesy comic book fighting” sense.

We’re catching up finally. Dear god this season is awful, in so many ways. I’m hoping it makes a hard u-turn back towards quality, otherwise something has really gone off the rails with the show.

Things I like -

  • Barry seems more optimistic still, and has been downright comedic\cheerful this season. I like when they do Happy Barry, and dislike Mopey\Angry Barry. The Savitar season was the worst for this, but the DeVoe had some stinkers last season.
  • I thought I’d hate Sherloque (sp?). But then I remembered that it always takes me a minute to get used to the new H, and this one is just as wonderful as the rest.

Things that are so bad -

  • The writing; all of it. The dialogue has moved completely into comic book land. What works in a comic doesn’t necessarily work on screen. It’s, like, Troma level bad.
  • As mentioned above, Chris Klein’s character is more or less comedic. Is that intentional? His acting, his dialogue, his delivery - I mean, it can’t be serious, so it must be a joke. That’s the only way it makes sense.
  • Every single episode. one or two of the former key players is missing, with some weird excuse: “Oh, he went to blah blah to chill out or visit family.” I understand that casts on these shows get big after a while, and they can be hard to manage. The handling of it here is pretty bad.
  • Flash has always been as fast as the plot required, but now it’s even worse, and they’ve made the characters as dumb as rocks. I don’t mind a few plot-losses to a Big Bad, but it feels like they’re confronting the bad guy every week, then almost throwing the fights.

If the season doesn’t pick up, I’m pretty sure it’ll be my last with the show :/

FYI, Joe was gone for an extended period of time because of the actor’s health.

I finally caught up on the recent Arrowverse seasons as of last night. Overall, I think that Flash came in at number 2 for me based purely on “doofy nerd tears over silly comic book TWEESTS” levels, but what can overcome the emotional drama of sisterly love in Supergirl, anyway?

I would love to see a season of The Flash where the events aren’t largely the “fault” of the principle cast for next year, but I’m guessing they’re not gonna wanna take their foot off the Thawne gas, so alas.

Really hoping they cook up an XS return someday to undo my weepy blubbering…

Enjoying S6 so far. I was worried at first it’d be a repeat of Season 3 with Crisis coming, but it hasn’t been a downer at all. We just had a great Cisco episode if anyone has been been sitting out.

Crisis might be a mess here in Canada… the shows are now all spread out on 4 premium services :/

Suck, I enjoyed the Ralph character. But he is technically a plastic dude with shapeshifting properties, so I suppose a new actor wouldn’t be hard to integrate.

It’s kind of a shame stuff he wrote years ago is haunting him now, since (at least according to his apology), that’s now who he is now. Some of those tweets are over 8 years old. He himself would have only been in his 20’s when he wrote that stuff.

EDIT: Then again, some of these tweets are just rough as hell. The fact that at any point he though this was okay is troubling, hopefully he was talking to someone. Twitter is acting like he’s still a known racist jerk, so hey, maybe it’s for the best?

Ralph, you dumbass.

He had a good apology.

Some were from only 6 years ago though, when he was 29. At 29, you should pretty much know right and wrong.

Yeah, I had already edited my post, but some of what he wrote isn’t really fit for anyone to think, young or not. Just terrible.