The Great Like Experiment of 2017

  • 1 har

Can we please call them “hars” now, instead of likes?

Frankly I thought calling out my weight like that was a really classless move, Tim.

+1 for the “har” movement, btw.

Also, can we get the forum to make a “ding” sound when we get a like? Or maybe the achievement sound? Oh man, that would be so satisfying.

Can I get a whut whut?

Ha ha, I love tall red-haired guy. He’s the whole reason I eat at McDonald’s.

I appreciate the video and know my semi-serious comment invited a tongue in cheek response, but this is a good example of why I hope we don’t introduce likes to this forum.

If this were FB or whatever I’d give you a like and move on and the thread would be one post shorter. However I prefer to actually sit down and reply with a comment and thus furthering the conversation.

We are a verbal community and I suspect (hope) it’ll stay that way for a while if we should introduce likes permanently, but sooner or later people in this situation would just click ‘like’ and move on without posting a reply. Thus every thread will be a bit shorter and peter out earlier with less actual posts (though possibly the same amount of participants and lurkers clicking ‘like’).

Likes just reduce actual participation in threads and I feel this is a good example.

Now, if reading my post is actually worth your 3 seconds, as opposed to just seeing that I liked a post, is up for a debate I guess, but I personally prefer content over watching a number going up.

This forum needs a l–


Exactly my concern and why I would prefer likes to stay off.

Ok, I already forgot like existed here. I’m ready for them to go away now.

Well I hope the likes stay, they save me time not having to post that I like a persons post. :p

So far Likes seem to have had little impact, other than in creating this thread where we discuss Likes, which may be gently tumbling downhill now.

Wumpus believes they increase engagement. I can’t tell if that has happened, but my two concerns are that engagement in the form of clicking on a Like button doesn’t add much of anything and can even detract if it discourages writing an actual post.

The second concern is that it might increase the class clown posts designed to do nothing more than be funny and get attention. I like a clever post as much as the next guy, but I wouldn’t want to see the board tilt more towards those kinds of posts. I don’t know if we’d see that here, but it seems like something I see on other boards. It has the feel of a popularity contest, sort of.

Again, I haven’t noticed much of a change with Likes turned on. I don’t really look at them and I don’t use them, other than once to see how it worked.

I like the idea of likes being able to pull out effort posts in a thread in the first post summary. You know the one where somebody takes the time to go deep into a game mechanic or explain some great strategies or tips. Those can be hard to find when you need them, or if it’s a gigantic thread you haven’t been following something you would probably never locate.

Hopefully the class clown posts wouldn’t drown those out. Otherwise… I am fairly indifferent to likes. They don’t bother me at all.

I like likes. I don’t feel like we’ve seen a decrease in engagement yet and I don’t think we will either. Personally, I will go from not doing anything to maybe clicking like. I will never not post* because of a like button, and don’t even understand people who would come to that behavior. I seriously doubt this forum will become a meme-land any more than it is. Some of us young-uns put forth the effort to meme-ify and joke around, and some of us don’t. And that’s the end of it, likes or not. Turning likes off won’t stop me from posting shit like Conan and his drummer guy looking at each other like Craig did above.

*Except maybe a post that only says, “Like! +1! Etc!”

I mean I’ve always had that streak in me as well. As a guy who is entirely too stressed at all times at work, I will never not be irreverent when the mood strikes. I’m too grumpy in real life to be otherwise

EDIT: Even better

Is this a thing? I haven’t noticed any color change.

It’s very subtle. I’m getting a screenshot…


In order to maintain my failing grasp on my own youthfulness and vitality, I will say the same holds true for me.

Or, in memese,

“Me, too, thanks.”

I’m actually older than you, lol. :P

But comparatively here, a youngun.

Remember on triggercut’s cool site we couldn’t even agree on the average age? That was good times. Very glad I put up that question.

We are unlikely to see a significant shift in posting tendency over a few weeks, which is why I don’t expect this experiment to sway very many people in either direction . But I will say that IMO someone taking the time to write a reply - even if it’s just “I agree” or “thanks” - is dramatically more valuable and community-encouraging than a like button, and certainly gives me warmer feelings and more of a sense that someone is actually responding to my contribution than 50 clicks on that button ever would.

So you’re a like hipster. Preferring the artisinally crafted, hand made, variety.