The I'm drunk thread

Maybe David Byrne is their exception.

Yea, I know this. I wasn’t up all night studying, I was just so nervous about one of them that I couldn’t sleep. I went to bed in plenty of time to get a good night’s sleep, but then I couldn’t ever fall asleep. The problem is that it wasn’t even a “I don’t know the material” type of worrying. I’ve never had test anxiety in my life, but I’ve had this one professor enough that I’ve developed anxiety over her tests. It is really annoying because I knew that I knew the material, but I was so tired that I could not be sure that what I was doing was correct. Oh well. At least I never have to take another one of her classes again.

Holy crap, are you going to divorce her?

It took my hungover brain a while to figure this out, but I would make an exception for David Byrne.

Hello Riesling! extarbags made me drink an entire bottle because “I paid for it, I should get my money’s worth!” at a BYO. Now I feel very very very silly. now I have to watch him play street fighter. Wow my face is warm!

I’m not drunk but I am drinking. I haven’t smoked a cigarette in like ten days, and I find I need to have a little buzz going to keep me from chewing my lips off.


I’m enjoying a nice cocktail of white rum (really rhum agricole this time), pear liqueur, lemon juice, ginger syrup, and club soda over ice.

It’s a summer drink because goddamn am I sick of winter.

I’m having some diet cream soda.

A sip of Disaronno Originale Amaretto, a sip of Lazanni Amaretto, and some Amarula drizzled over Amy’s sweet-cream-flavored ice cream.

Franzia chillable red from a box and orange slices on the side.

Hey it’s a recession.

I had a Corona at work, which is all I am drinking tonight.

At the bowling alley they’ve been pouring the Alaskan IPA on draft and it’s absolutely heavenly. I’m normally not a fan of Alaskan beers (the last time I had their amber it was far, far too malty) but the IPA is fantastic - just a wonderful amount of aromatic hops. I picked up a six pack on the way home and I’m quite enjoying these guys.

Just had a Steinlager. Pondering a second. Perhaps then I’ll be able to sleep…

Last Friday night, on the other hand…

That sounds like reasonable logic. Good thing you didn’t buy a whole bottle of absinthe or you would be in big trouble.

The local brewery supply store sells tiny little absinthe homebrew kits. They’re so cute!

Is this the fakey mix-herbs-into-vodka-and-steep variety, or are they actually encouraging people to start cooking up their own moonshine?

This drunk thread is unacceptable, as is it does not appear to be awkwardly-lovey-post friendly.

Look for a brand named Gozio if you’re an Amaretto fan.

With enough riesling or Steinlager you could totally fix that.


That better?

It’s 3:25 am. Just got back from playing. ROck!
Being unemployed has it’s perks. Like sleeping in till noon and getting drunk on a tuesday night.
I realized tonight why our band never plays on weeknights. Fat Tuesday and our band made $11. Not going to pay for the gas to get to the venue let alone the bills.

For those of you back east, Green chile is so good, I’m sorry you haven’t heard about it.