The Man Test for their jellybeans

Zeke - No need to be condescending. She writes in short-hand because she has issues with her wrists.

Typing is done more with fingers than wrists, though I understand they can slow one down. However, I’ve known quadriplegics who type correctly, though slowly and with some difficulty. I’m known to make mistakes even, I mangled the spelling earlier with “quadrapalegics” for some reason, but fixed it just now via stealth edit.

I didn’t, as you may note, comment on “w/.” That’s a more formal shorthand (though unnecessary if you ask me, as forum posts aren’t a form of instantaneous communication, thus having time to type out two more characters). “b4” and “. . .”, however, are just wrong. And there were still missing words/clauses.

How old are you? The only non family adult that saw me naked as a child was a medical doctor. I sincerely thought penis inspection day was a joke when I first read it but now I am very sad for you.

I get the joke, but I feel bad for doing so.

I’m totally stealing the testicle screaming thing for my upcoming rom-com about altar boys.

Also, the coach joke was sick. funny but sick. I had a flash to my HS pys-Ed teacher in his sort shorts and polo shirt and nearly puked.

Most of us got the joke…

On a similar note, I was describing some tests I had for a fucked up prostrate some years ago to my friend and his brother. His brother was overjoyed, he had gone for a medical when he was 17 for a city job, and the doctor had tested his prostrate (i.e shoved a finger up his arse) and for the following decade and a half, until I had told him about prostrate exams, he was convinced he had been done by an old man.

Do they really need to check the prostate at just 17 years old? I have 2 friends who had testicular cancer at age 19 and 21. One passed away, the other nearly died as the cancer spread to his kidneys. So I could see checking at such a yong age, but the prostrate?

Prostate, guys. No second r!

And no, normally you do not need prostate exams until you hit 40 or so. But since that was a city job, they were probably more thorough.

I didn’t realize there were any cities in the this world where city jobs would be more thorough about anything.

I got a similar test at 10 when I had appendicitis. My mum was in the room, so I’m pretty sure it was legit. Fucker didn’t give me anything to wipe up the lube with, though.

There was a scene from the Venture Bros. where Broc grabbed some underling minion of Underbite right by his yarbles.


I even winced at the look and noises of the victim of Broc’s “man handling”.
Funny, it ended with Broc telling the minion “Um, I found a lump”.

This thread has made me smile…even though there are no jellybeans just man part chat.

I got my prostate checked when I turned 18…coincidence? You tell me.

Had my first prostate exam last year. Thank God the doctor had very thin fingers.

Fingers plural? Um

Next you will tell me that rectal fingersnaps are not part of the exam.



Seriously dude, it’s not that important.

As opposed to rectal gingersnaps.

I had a blood test last year for P count - do I need to bother with the finger in the arse as well, or only if I want a quick thrill?

He’s a good Doctor, Jeffery. Thorough. Very thorough.