The Mother 'Effin WEATHER Thread

It mostly revolves around a mound of blankets and the missus. Also being on the third story of three in our building and thus being the final resting place of everyone else’s heat!

More concerned for the fridge full of food I’ve just recently had to repurchase to replace what was lost when our other fridge bit the first…

Blizzard has arrived. I’ve been in plenty of crazy snowstorms, in the Sierras, in BC around Whistler, in Banff, in upstate NY and in Vermont.

Never have seen anything like this before. Like a wall of snow coming down, big winds, this has to be 2" per hour right now.

This thread is lacking snow stick…

— Alan

Improv snow stick in Vienna…11" at 2am.

Predictably, up here in northern New England, people are all pouty and grumpy that they’re not getting the snow. Me, I’m pretty happy to escape snowpocalypses.

I woke up around 5 this morning to the sound of people plowing our driveway, and quickly fell back asleep without thinking anything else of it. The added sound of people yelling at each other and banging on things should’ve told me something though. Here it is almost 8:30 and their truck hasn’t moved an inch.

I was going to go out and see if they needed anything, but all the people are gone.

The good news is it seems to have slowed down here a bit and it looks like we only got 4-6 inches at most. The snow looks pretty light too.

830am and we have about 12" just south of Hanover PA. Blowing like crazy, a true white-out.
My 15yr old made a quick and dirty snow stick last night. Top ty-rap is 24", then subtract 3" for each one as you go down.

Need coffee. First order of business this morning was to hack a trail from the back door to some grass so that the dog wouldn’t detonate. That was not trivial.

Still need coffee.

Second order of business was a new Snow Stick shot:

20160123: 0820

For the record, this is Chantilly Virginia, about three miles south of Dulles Airport.


I woke up this morning with the need to see some snow sticks. Thanks!

You get your power back, Armando?

No luck. Still snowing and very very icy underneath it, so I expect efforts to get it back will be extremely delayed. Hoping it happens today though, cuz it’s getting pretty cold in here.

Edit: And my pessimism is rewarded! Power just kicked on here in Southwest Raleigh a minute or two ago. Per the AC, it had dropped a little over 10F in the apartment in the intervening 12 hours.

Looks like the repair ETA for some other areas (I’m lucky to be near a major research uni, so I guess that puts us on a higher tier of importance) is pretty bad, though, looking at the Duke Energy map. Like 1/25/16 estimates bad.

It’s just a bit Christmassy in NYC :(

So I lied, we had about 12 inches of snow and it’s picked up a lot since then. The guys finally got their truck going about 10 minutes ago though, turns out the plow fell off because the pins weren’t in.

Good to hear, Armando. It sounds like a real mess down there. I’ll take snow over ice any day.

23 inches or so here in NoVa. We probably have 6-8 hours of on-off again snow before it stops and the winds kick in.

Damn y’all. 1-2 ft for Qt3ers. That’s just nuts to me (I’m not even sure Boston had a storm that bad in the 4 years I lived there). Hope you guys are all staying safe and warm :-D

P.S. - All hail the glorious snow sticks!

Oops I forgot to add: Praise the Snow Stick, praise Its name!

All hail to the mighty Snow Stick!!

20" eh? Not too bad. At least you didn’t have dog detonation…

— Alan

The worse the weather, they happier they are.

Growing up in Loudoun, I loved these storms. The roads were narrow and bounded in by stone walls, so when the winds picked up the snow would drift and fill them. You were genuinely snowed in, and there was nothing four wheel drive could do about it. The snow blower would show up, eventually, but till then it was snow-shoes or cross country skis.

During the really heavy winters you’d lose all sense of the landscape, everything was hidden under drifting snow and the roads themselves were just narrow channels bounded on either side by walls of snow that towered over head.

1pm update. We are just shy of 21" and it’s still a white-out. Kids went out for a couple hours, came back as popsicles :)

23" here in Vienna, snow continues to come down. Heavy band moving through right now in fact.

A cool thing: yesterday WUSA-9, a local station, sent out a reporter to the western suburbs to do a typical “Man on the street” pre-storm report, interviewing folks gassing up as the first flakes came down.

And they just happened to bump into The Great Eight himself, Alex Ovechkin, gassing up the Hummer so he could plow his and his neighbor’s driveways. Yeah, that’s right, Alex is basically going to shovel his neighbor’s driveway. “Hey Mabel. You remember that storm where the greatest hockey player in the world came by to dig us out? That was something.”

Other favorite line, when asked about the snow, Ovie just shrugs. “We’re from Russia, so…”

The Snow Stick still says 21" here in Chantilly, but it’s still coming down hard.

About a decade back I inherited a weak snow-blower from my father-in-law, and every time we get more than a half-foot of snow, I become the neighborhood hero by doing all the sidewalks and helping whomever is outside do their driveways. This time, when I really needed it… the belt snapped after just an hour outside. So now I’m stuck using a shovel like some kind of common peasant.

Luckily for me, my “auxiliary son” from around the block has arrived. He typically comes over to make unrequited moon-eyes at my eldest daughter, but she’s off at college so I had little hope that the former star high school linebacker would show up. But the unspoken promise of my wife’s cooking lured him through the drifts and I can happily hand him my shovel.

20160123: 1330

In the background you can see the trench where my snow-blower failed me.