The Mother 'Effin WEATHER Thread

Everyone else sees the governor, his hat, the reflections off the clean table, the huge ceilinged room, the awesome wooden blinds, the big chair, the Texas lone star flag in the background … and all I can focus on is the 10+ year-old VoiP conference phone on the table that hasn’t been in support for over 7 years. FFS Governor, approve some IT infrastructure spending.

Yeah I believe it. On Wednesday night I stopped by a Sam’s for my normal mundane bread and milk stop and usually the place is not crowded in the late afternoon when I visit. But that day the place was jammed and water, bread, and milk were almost sold out. I guess we’ll know in a couple days if that was an overreaction or not.

I’m in south Tomball on the north northwest part of Houston. Good luck to you and let’s hope we’re far enough north that it won’t be too bad.

Good luck to you all there. Please stay safe.

In Austin, the closest HEB to me has limited cases of water bottles to 2 per person, and it was pretty much cleared out last night.

This morning, the closest gas station was out of all gas that wasn’t diesel.

Yep. My first thought was, I haven’t seen one of those in a while.

I certainly don’t miss those power injection types. I can’t tell you how many execs used to call because someone removed that ethernet cable for something else, then plugged the phone back in to a standard cable and nothing worked.

That being said, the sound on them was pretty good.

Maybe it fell below even tropical depression status and was more like just a pressure front?

Expected to be a Cat 3 hurricane, largest to hit the TX coast in 47 years.

Pretty good feed for following Harvey’s, er, progress:

What a crazy track. Hitting today and maybe not leaving till Tuesday?

Some projections are saying thursday. No question there will be catastrophic property damage. Hopefully people evacuated.

Official evacuations started this morning. Though people were leaving yesterday as well.

Of Houston you mean, not the low-lying coastal areas like Corpus Christi, right?

Not sure about that, just heard a general announcement on the news, sorry.

Edit: II found this.

My sister’s family is in Austin. They’re in for a wet time, but are up high and have stocked up on vitals so should be in good shape.

Her inlaws, however, are in Houston area w/ a lakefront house. They’re idiots and decided to ride it out. Crossing fingers, toes, etc, for them.

Oh geezus. Best of luck to them, but geezus.

40+ inches of rain predicted! WTF!

And I’ll add that as we’ve received a little over 28 inches of rain since Jan 1 (we’re about 10 inches below norm), Hurricane Harvey could drop more rain on Houston than Seattle has seen all year.

It’d be pretty bad for those totals in Austin; areas of the river are prone of flooding and the LCRA will need to be vigilant about pushing the water downstream if the lakes aren’t filled (might be a little low about now since it’s the late summer but I haven’t checked how filled they are).

People say Houston will be a disaster and it’s probably true, but Houston is well used to flooding. The city floods… a lot. They’re kind of used to this.

Looking at the pic of devastating flooding… yikes. So that’s like… not great. It’s a lot of scrubland and only sightly hilly with not a lot of places for water to go. That being said, not a ton of people live in those areas either, with the exception of Port Lavaca.

— Alan