The Muslim Ban: America Loses Its Mind.

[quote=“Juan_Raigada, post:401, topic:128236, full:true”]
This is a misconception. Visas are about the ability to enter the US, not about the ability to stay. Yes, depending on your Visa you get an exit date from immigration, but once you get that exit date your visa is irrelevant.[/quote]

Err, unless the US is special in this regard visas definitely do relate to your ability to legally stay in the country. Overstaying a VISA is something governments can deport someone for (and depending on where you live often do, like Australia). After some googling it appears that the US doesn’t enforce the law and deport people for overstaying their VISA very often at all, but they probably could legally and that is all Trump would need.

Mohammad Abu Khadra, who lives in Katy with his brother Rami, traveled to Jordan last week to renew his visa. When he flew into Bush IAH airport Saturday, officials with U.S. Customs and Border Protection detained him at the airport for about 48 hours. He was transferred to an Office of Refugee Resettlement shelter in Chicago Monday, where he remained as of Tuesday afternoon. The teen has no access to his cell phone or to a computer, his brother said.

Mohammad’s native Jordan is not on the list, and Mohammad is not a refugee.

Rami said he was able to visit Mohammad briefly at Bush IAH airport Sunday after he was peppered with questions from immigration officials curious about his relationships and his allegiances.

The situations are different. However the ability of the population to not give a shit and the policy to continue, in both left and right of center government is scarily similar, Here is a good article

Enforcing expired Visa is high priority item in virtually all of the proposal for immigration reform. But other than when they US applies sanctions, I’m not aware of situation where there was no process for existing visa holders to petition for a renewal.

[quote=“Tim_N, post:406, topic:128236, full:true”]

I’ve been assigned exit times at immigration that where set after the entry visa expiration. I think it’s very uncommon and has to do with extendable student Visas only (there’s a limbo between expiration and renewal) .

But yeah, I don’t know the wording of the law, just how it was applied in NY and NJ entry airports circa 2010. It might be illegal on paper.

From what I can find online, it is technically correct that a visa only comes into play when travelling, as in you need a valid one to enter the U.S… Once inside the U.S., your passport and foreign drivers license or identification card are your standard means of ID, so it’s not like you carry a visa around at all times or anything.

That said, it seems the laws on the book as written do specify that someone who has entered the country on a valid visa, but stays past the expiration date of that visa and does not apply for renewal, is technically no longer legally visiting the country and can be deported. In the past this almost never happened. At worst, the person could seek legal aid to immediately reapply, and they were permitted to remain as long as an application was in progress. Criminal activity is about the only thing that will get a visa revoked and the holder deported.

Or at least, it was. Between the way the laws seem to be structured, and the way the Trump EO clearly states that all non-diplomatic visas from the seven countries are revoked effective immediately, anyone holding one of those visas is now in danger. If Trump/Bannon so desires, they can now instruct ICE and DHS to arrest, detain and deport the revoked visa holders. It would be unprecedented, but then again, it’s been 10 days of unprecedented behavior from the Alt-White House…

Conspiracy theory time: Why this, and why now? Why focus on the Muslim issue right now, when so many other more important domestic problems are out there to be solved. Why do this when there hasn’t been any real terrorist activity on U.S. soil recently? The conspiracy answer, because it’s setting the stage for something. If the EO is out there, and it technically can result in deportation for all non-diplomat citizens in the U.S. from the countries on the list, then all that’s missing is a catalyst to push the whole situation over the edge.

Think about what is coming up this Sunday. Now think about how if Bannon and his alt-right cronies were to stage something that they made look like an attack by Islamic Extremists, how that would play right into the current situation. They could immediately add countries to the list, and start rounding up and deporting people within hours. The protests would get out of control in major cities everywhere, and President Bannon would authorize police and the National Guard to use force to quell the discontent. In effect, martial law could be declared on both coasts and in large cities in the U.S… All in the name of “protecting our citizens”.

I know, it’s a lot of leaps, and believe me, I am sick to my stomach when I think about how quickly I’ve gone from rational, reasonable person to seeing Fourth Reich conspiracies around every corner. I’ve become the very ideological nutball I used to make fun of all the time. Unlike those nutballs though, I would be very happy to be proven completely wrong, in fact, it’s what I hope for the most.

It’s my understanding that most “illegal immigration” into the US nowadays is not performed by desperate laborers crossing the U.S.-Mexico border on foot or smuggled in the back of a truck, it’s by people coming in on tourist or work visas and never planning on going home. My source on this is a speaker I heard last year from an organization advocating for the rights of — as they term them — “undocumented Americans.”

I would not doubt that is true. Lots of statistics have shown border immigration (from Mexico) has been trending downward in recent years. So we have the Trump Administration one-two punch of kicking out all the pre-vetted immigrants who would have likely made productive citizens, and spending billions to build a wall to keep out people who are less and less interested in coming here anyway. Win-Win! #MAGA!

The EO must be a boon to any would be imam who seeks more people to radicalize. I’d be pissed off if something like that happened to me on a valid visa.

The entire Trump presidency is probably all the proof they need that Allah is on their side.

It’s certainly almost been enough to make me believe in a God – a God who doesn’t like me!

Super Bowl ads.

First up, 84 Lumber with their ad for the game. Fox will not be airing it in its entirety. The NFL and the network deemed it too controversial, so the ending has been altered for people to check out the ending on their web page. Supposedly, it ends with Trump’s wall.

Budweiser is running this one during the game. It will not be edited.

I find it controversial that I can watch the beginning now but can’t see the end!

I find 2017 very controversial so far.

The story is here on the NYT

Here’s the kicker:

[quote]In the case of 84 Lumber, Ms. Magerko said that Fox vetoed the company’s initial idea based on a storyboard of the proposed commercial from Brunner, the company’s ad agency. That document, which was reviewed by The New York Times, said the commercial would show a mother and daughter on “an arduous journey north,” as American workers built a large structure. Their journey appeared doomed once they reached the wall until a patriotic symbol inspired them to find a massive doorway — which is what the workers were creating all along. The final line: “The will to succeed will always be welcome here.”

Ms. Magerko, who said she voted for Mr. Trump, said the ad was meant to recruit employees in their 20s “who really believe in American dreams.”[/quote]

I don’t get what was too controversial… Was it that they thought they would be seeing a wall?

Too controversial for the Superbowl but the NFL is totally cool with borderline soft core porn commercials from Carl’s Jr?

I shouldn’t have read the comments but I did. I scrolled down and found a comment by a right wing nutjob with 800k followers. His latest video is “Liberalism is Terrorism”.

At this point I’d love to be able to fast forward past the nuclear holocaust and found a Terminus like collective where incoming survivors must first pass political litmus test to be let in. The ones that voted for Trump get sent straight to the meat locker for processing.

You couldn’t pay me to eat Nazi, but if there’s some way for me to shit one out without having first consumed them, count me as interested.

That’s just good Christian and family values! As long as they are not large women… or a minority… or something that throws good Christians out of their fantasies.

[not sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I am not actually an atheist. I am not making fun of my religion so much as… pointing out how hypocritical these standards are.]