The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas in Space

Some weigh certain aspects of an RPG like loot and combat far more than I do. Fair enough. But this game is really about the character interactions, and how you go about solving quests. I feel you can role-play certain characters and the game can accommodate that to a certain extent.

Has anyone actually supported The Board and knows what that entails?

I’m finding real ups and downs. All the science fictiony bits are good, but the sophomorish corporate stuff really drags it down for me. Currently in a positive phase though, so onward! Closing in on The Hope next.

Edit: Oh, and done. Can’t see how long it took on GamePass though. It picked up IMO, to the extent I would play a sequel, which is not what I thought at certain stages.

As I said in the Outer WILDS thread, always look behind buildings for loot.

I think you’d want to dump loot back there in Outer Worlds.

The characters and character interactions are pretty nifty. The overall story is not terribly compelling, partly because it doesn’t feel, to me, very coherent and partly because I never really care much for most of the characters. It just doesn’t feel dramatic, or that there’s any real tension–things are either so bad that nothing you do is likely to help, or the problems are trivial.

Still got my money’s worth (paid full price for it) and would play more content if they make it. May well replay it as a different type of character too.

I wonder if they’re planning something like an Enhanced Edition to fix what seem to be some pretty universal complaints. I wouldn’t mind waiting for that.

Still playing, I am up to 4 companions now and am headed out to fix a comms satellite or something!

And… wow that was a short and easy mission if you tell the robots to go recharge.

Onward and now back to Terra 2, this time Roseway !

That’s kind of a spoiler for new players though.

I like the comms repair mission because of the notes strewn throughout the station and the little vignette it tells. I also used my skills to make the mission simple.

Ah I guess, I blurred it just incase. :P

::looks around to make sure it’s the right thread::

::checks again::

I’m really enjoying this game a lot. It’s fun Tom. :)

Are large maps harder to develop? I suppose it’s something they can do in the sequel.

I have heard people complain about the abundance of loot, but how about the abundance of quests? Every time I glance at someone I get another quest. :)

See, that’s the problem when you just can’t keep your eyes to yourself.

Still not finished this, decided up thread that I’m not in the proper mood for it. Did get sucked into some Grim Dawn instead.

I had a 3 week hiatus with other things, and now I was able to return to the game. Which I had only started, I’m still on the first planet.

One thing I dislike it’s that I had already 4 or 5 occasions where dialog options would disappear after selecting one. So for example I had 4 things to talk about with a npc, I select one, and afterwards the other 3 won’t ever appear again. I know it was non-critical, ‘flavor’ dialogue, but I still hate it.
The first time it happened I thought my mind was playing tricks, but it happened a few more times.

That is annoying - but when you get out of the dialogue, restart it and the options you didn’t explore should be available, unless they’ve been excluded due to a choice you’ve made.

I tried, and they didn’t come back. I will give one example I saw this morning: talking with Thomas the would-be engineer, he gives you a quest to find 3 manuals. There was a dialog option about the third volume, but because I selected another option (unrelated to that!) it didn’t appear gain.

Shoot Thomas for his impertinence.

First planet finished. I hope the game improves from this point onward, except the singular main quest and the two npcs related to it, and a npc that happened to be a companion (the priest), the rest of side quests (simple an uninvolving), npcs and their dialog has been very average. Not bad, but below my expectations of well rated Obsidian game.
Also, I’m sure as hell hope the game difficulty increases, and the first world was like that because it was ‘tuturial-like’.

I liked the way they made most of their game skippable. Turgid conversations? Cut every line short. Repetitive journeys? Nice fast travel system. Buildings full of strategically placed guards, locks and disguises? Shotgun ho!

It made it a lot more palatable for me :)

I wonder if this game is like their Alpha Protocol, where on the surface everything seems about average (except the combat, that sucked big time in AP) and the beauty and depth of the game are revealed upon replaying it and seeing the many different outcomes due to your choices?

I know, I should just play the damn thing (still in the first world/area), but I have to say this is the first Obsidian game I’ve played that didn’t hook me right away (I could also add Pillars of Eternity but that one I only played for about an hour on the Xbox One X and the loading times (on an SSD) were pretty annoying so haven’t gone back to it, but I was bored in that hour).

They should release a remaster of Alpha Protocol for the current consoles. I wonder if that’s BC? Would probably have improved performance on Xbox One X.